Chapter 11 - The Interview

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Date: Monday 1st July 2024

Charlie’s POV

I have been waking up continuously throughout the night with nerves. Luckily, I have been able to fall back asleep fairly easily each time, however, I have decided that this time, there is no point in trying to fall asleep again as I’ll have to wake up shortly anyway, so I just play with Nicks hair will waiting for him to wake.

When he wakes up, I say “Morning,” to let him know I am also awake. He then replies with “Morning,” as well, before sitting up against the headboard like me.

“You feeling ok about today?” he asks.

“Yeah, kind of. I have been up half the night with nerves so I guess now I’m just tired. So much so, that I'm so tired, I don’t have the energy to be nervous.”

“Well that’s understandable. Do you want some breakfast?”

“Yeah, ok.”

So we head downstairs and have breakfast with Sarah.

After breakfast, Sarah leaves for work and Nick has to go upstairs to get dressed for teacher training. 

It’s 8 O’clock when Nick leaves, so I have about 2 hours to get ready, so I go over some notes for the first hour and a bit, before going upstairs to get dressed, shower, etc. but not necessarily in that order. In fact, definitely not in that order. If I did, I might as well give up all hope of getting this job.

When it’s time to leave, I exit the house and lock the door, before beginning the walk to Truham-Higgs primary school.

As I enter the gates, that surround the school grounds, a wave of familiarity hits me. It feels like so much has changed since I went here, yet nothing here has changed. I just like how it was.

I arrive 5 minutes early, so after I sign in, I wait at a chair by the reception desk until I’m called. When I am, I get escorted to the deputy heads office where 3 people are sat. I assume that these are the 3 deputy heads (1 from each school) that I was told would be here. I take a seat on the other side of the desk, from where they are sat.

They ask me questions for just over 45 minutes and I answer all of them calmly, rationally and efficiently. I was asked a few questions about my mental health – and I was expecting this – but I just said that I wanted to use my experience to help others, and they seemed happy enough with this answer.

Once we had ran out of time, they thanked me for coming, I thanked them for interviewing me, and they said if they wanted to schedule another interview they would contact me by the end of the week. If I didn’t get contacted, I was to assume I didn’t get it.

As I walk home, I decide to go through the park, walking past all the spots where some of my best memories had been made.

When I get home, I have some lunch and watch movies, while waiting for Nick to get back later that afternoon.

When Nick gets back, I fill him in on how it went and tell him about how I might actually have a chance. But also how I'm not getting my hopes up, just in case.

Although, as if they can mind read, the school calls me. When I answer, they say that they were very impressed by me today, and asked if I’d be willing to come in for another interview.

“Of course, I would,” I replied.

“How does next Monday, so the 8th of July, at 11 O’clock, work for you?”

“That would be perfect.”

“Ok, it will be a very similar set up to today, however we would like you to come to Higgs instead, so you get a feel for the different schools you’ll be working at.”

“Ok, is that all?”

“Yes, see you on Monday.”

“See you then.”

I can’t believe it. They actually want to see me again. I tell Nick about what happened during the phone call, although I think he could gather most of it as he was in the room anyway. 

I then begin to explain my thought process to him on how there’ll probably be 3 interviews, so one can happen at each school, which means if I get through this one successfully, I’ll only have one to go. 

I decide to ring Tori and tell her the good news. I also ask her to thank Michael for me, as I probably wouldn’t have even tried to apply, without him convincing me to.

And when Sarah gets back, I tell her too, and I'm buzzing with so much excitement I could shout it from the roof.

Nick and I spend our evening celebrating, and talking about the future, realising that everything will be possible, provided we’re there for each other.

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