Chapter 41: Waterparks and Vineyards

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Date: Wednesday 14th August 2024

Charlie’s POV

Today, we will be taking Tilly and Leo to a waterpark, as Sarah, Rich, Diane, and David will be going to a vineyard for a tour and wine tasting. We were only able to get out of it (considering that if I went it might get a bit awkward when being encouraged to drink or something) by saying that it was part of their birthday present, and that seemed to work, so we just left it at that.

Nick and I were just getting the last few bits together, when Diane came in and said “We’re leaving now, but before we go, are you sure you’re ok missing the vineyard to take Tilly and Leo out?”

“Yes, of course we are.” Nick replies.

“Ok, see you later.”

“See you later.”

She then leaves to get in the car with the others, and we watch the car drive away.

We have to leave in half an hour, so I shout to Tilly and Leo a reminder of the time we’ve got left to ensure that they’re ready to go when we need to.

Nick’s POV

When we arrive at the waterpark, the twins run to the entrance, clearly excited, with me and Charlie following reasonably close behind.

We get to reception, and show them our tickets that we booked online and go through to the changing rooms.

Tilly goes into the ladies, while Charlie, Leo and I go into the men’s. We had previously discussed what Charlie would do as he doesn’t feel comfortable swimming with his tiny bump, so we decided that he would stay on the sun loungers and look after our stuff (and take photos).

Once Leo and I were changed, we went to just outside the changing rooms, where we said we would meet Tilly, who arrived a few minutes later. We then went to the sun loungers, where we found an empty one, and put our stuff beside it so Charlie could keep an eye on it.

Tilly, Leo and I then went to one of the nearest slides, and joined the queue, before eventually reaching the top and going down it.

We were able to go on a few rides, before it was time for lunch, at which point we went to Charlie who had our lunch all set up for us. Over lunch we had some nice conversations, and once we were done we went to another ride.

Charlie’s POV

I know a lot of people would find what I'm doing today rather boring, but I found it rather nice. It’s the first day I’ve done almost nothing in a while, and occasionally it can be nice to just have some me time. Plus, as we have Tilly and Leo it kind of feels like a ‘practice run’ for when our baby is born and grown up. I think it also makes me more determined to make it through the pregnancy, knowing that that’s what’s to come.

By the time their session is over, Tilly and Leo are both hungry, so we go to the café and buy them a snack before leaving. On the way to the villa, I remind Nick that we’re out of popcorn and ginger biscuits, so we also go to the shops. I end up going in alone for ease, while Nick stays in the car with the twins.

When I get back, they are in the middle of a game of ‘What animal am I?’ which we continue to play on the way home.

When we get to the villa, we join everyone in the living room, and the twins tell everyone about our day, before the others tell us about theirs. Apparently the vineyard was very interesting and they got to learn how to make wine, before getting to try a few small glasses at the end. All in all, everyone seemed to have a nice day.

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