Chapter 20: Higgs

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Date: Monday 22nd July 2024

Nick’s POV

I wake up before Charlie for a change, as he hasn’t been sleeping well recently. I prepare him his ginger biscuits for his awakening, as we found out eating something gingery and heavy before moving too much can reduce the symptoms of morning sickness. However, I dread the day that it stops working as it will cause Charlie so much pain.

I hope he stays asleep until the alarm, as it’s been a long weekend, because as well as doing all the research on relieving symptoms of morning sickness, we also went to see Oliver’s lawyer so we knew what to put in the statement, then we went to the station to do them.

Although, we did get some reasonably good news last night. Mum said that she had spoken with Uncle Rich and Aunty Diane about us having the bedroom with the ensuite. They apparently took it well, and seemed fine with it. They also seem to respect the idea that if we want them to know why, we’ll tell them, but they seemed to trust mum when she said we had a very good reason. On the other hand, David took the news not so well. Him and mum were on the phone for over half an hour arguing about it. I felt kind of bad for her doing all this for us, but she assured me that she doesn’t mind. But I still can’t help but feel bad about it.

Charlie’s POV

I get woken up by the alarm, for the first time in a while. When I was about to get out the ginger biscuits, Nick presented a couple for me in his hand. I graciously accepted, and ate them while still lying down. Once I had finished, I slowly sat up moving carefully, as I don’t want to see them again for at least 24 hours.

I have my first day at Higgs today, and once today has been completed, I will have done one full day at each of the schools. I know what I will be doing today, as they have already sent over my schedule along with some instructions, including to just go straight up to my office and to get on with my day.

The schedule is very similar to the one I had at Truham (only with different people obviously)

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The schedule is very similar to the one I had at Truham (only with different people obviously). They also gave me time to start reading the files, although the fact that they said start, suggests I’m going to have to take another load home tonight. I have prewarned Nick about this and he seems fine with it, so I will get a lift home after work.

Nick drops me off at work, and I head up to my office. I go straight to the filing cabinets and see just as many files as at Truham, only fuller and therefore more heavy – yippee.

I put my stuff away, and get myself set up for the day.

The day is very similar to Friday, only in a different school. I start to build a routine, and get in habit of how I do everything. Over lunch I start to get to know some of the members of staff, some of whom are really nice, and I can see myself really fitting in here.

At the end of the day, I meet Nick down at reception and we carry all the files down to the car. When we get back home, Sarah hadn’t got back from work yet, so we unloaded the car ourselves, and once done we went into the living room, cuddled up, and watched a movie.

At about 17:00, Sarah gets home and says she’s about to start dinner, to which we then get up and go and help her. Her and Nick even allowed me to chop up some vegetables, provided I was sat down at the breakfast bar.

In other words, it was a nice normal evening and I wish it could be like this forever.

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