Chapter 6: Birthdays and Tests

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Date: Friday 21st June 2024

Charlie’s POV

These past couple of days have been really hard. Both myself and Nick have been struggling with waiting to do the pregnancy test as we just wont to know either way at this point. It has been a bit awkward between us as we aren’t quite sure what to say or do to make each other feel better, but hopefully tonight we’ll know what each other needs.

Nick’s POV

As I leave teacher training for the day, I have this sudden realisation that by the end of today it could be confirmed that I am going to be a parent. I sit in my car for a few minutes thinking this through as I don’t want to scare Charlie when I get back, although first I need to go pick up some pregnancy tests but that just makes this feel more real.

I drive to the pharmacy and head in. I quickly find the pregnancy test section and pick up two boxes (which each contain two tests) and take them over to the counter. While scanning the tests, the cashier asks me “Who’s the lucky girl then?”

I don’t want to have to stand here and explain myself to him so I just say “My boyfriend.”

This kind of leaves him in an awkward silence where he clearly doesn’t know what to say, so he just says “Oh.”

After making that mistake, he clearly doesn’t want me staying to long so he very quickly gets me to pay and leave. And quite frankly I don’t care, I have bigger things to think about than whether I’m wanted in a pharmacy.

I drive home and go inside. Charlie is just sat on the sofa, staring at the TV which isn’t even on, so I quickly head upstairs to put the tests in our room, before going back downstairs and sitting next to him on the sofa.

“Are you ok?” I ask.

“Yes,” he replies bluntly (clearly lying) “What time are we leaving for your Grandma’s?” he asks.

“Half 4, are you sure you want to go, I know birthday gatherings aren’t your favourite.”

“Yes, I’ll be fine, but can we leave before your mum so we can take the tests when she’s not here?”

“Yes that’s fine.”

We continue to sit on the sofa in silence with the TV off until half 4 slowly comes along. Mum comes into the living room telling us that we need to go. I let her know that we will probably be leaving earlier than her, with the excuse that Charlie’s tired and hasn’t been sleeping well (which is partly true), and we put the leads on the dogs and head off.

The walk only takes about 10 minutes and when we get there, Grandma is stood at the door giving us all a hug as we enter. I can’t believe that she is turning 80. It also makes me realise that she doesn’t have much time left.

Once we make it inside, Gramps says hello and we go and take a seat in the living room.

A little while later Uncle Rich, Aunt Diane, and my two cousins Tilly and Leo (who are both 9) arrive. They come into the living room and everyone says there hellos. Conversations then break out between everyone, discussing all sorts of topics. Charlie and I spend most of our time talking to Tilly and Leo about the upcoming annual holiday to Menorca that we’re all taking during the summer.

At about 6 O’clock we all head into the dinning room for dinner. We use to go to a restaurant bet ever since Charlie started coming a long as well, we stopped that and started eating at one of the houses to make him feel more comfortable. Even though the rest of my family doesn’t know the ins and outs of everything, they are still very understanding and have welcomed into the family with open arms.

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