Chapter 9 - Graduation

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Date: Saturday 29th June 2024

Charlie’s POV

“Come on Nick, we’re going to be late!” I shout up the stairs, “You’re mum’s already in the car!”

“I’m coming,” he shouts back as he races down the stairs, “Have you got everything?” he asks.

“Yes, hurry up.” I say bluntly while he struggles to get his shoes on.

Once his shoes are on we dash out to the car, get into the backseats, and Sarah starts to drive.

“Are you sure you’re going to be alright today?”

“I’ll be fine. I have you, Tori, Michael, Oliver and all our friends. I will also have baby who will be with me the whole time. I don’t see how things can go wrong.”

Nicks POV

I am kind of worried about Charlie. Even though he says he’s going to be fine, I can still sense the unsurety in his voice and body language. But, it’s his graduation, and I don’t want my worries to ruin such an important day for him.

When we get to Cambridge, Charlie signs in before getting changed into his gown and hat. He then quickly comes to see us one more time before he has to go to a room with all the other graduates, and we get escorted to our seats. 

When we get to our seats, the Paris squad are already sat there, all deep in conversation, so mum and I take our seats. 

A few minutes later, Tori, Michael and Oliver arrive. I stand up to greet them, and whilst they’re all sitting down, I notice Jane and Julio standing a few metres away, so I get out my phone and message Tori.

Nick: Are your parents supposed to be here?

Tori: No, why? 

Nick: They’re standing a few metres behind you

She quickly glances over her shoulder, before returning her glare to her phone. She had only just started typing a response, when they came over.

“Tori?” Jane says “I didn’t know you were coming.”

“Why wouldn’t I, he’s my brother?”

She doesn’t respond, instead she just looks over the people Charlie invited, until her eyes get to Oliver.

“Oliver! What are you doing here? I never gave you permission to even leave the house, let alone come all the way to Cambridge! How on earth did you get here?”

“We drove him.” Tori replies bluntly.

Jane looks like she is about to say something, only the graduates have just started their procession into the hall, so Julio ushers her to the back of the room, as they don’t have seats because they weren’t invited.

As the graduates continue to enter, I look for Charlie. Eventually, I spot him, and he looks so happy, like this is what he wants so he can get on with his life. Once all of the graduates have entered, they remain standing while all of their professors and other relevant staff enter and take their seats.

Once the professors have all sat down, the graduates follow, and take to their seats. The chancellor and vice-chancellor then stand up and deliver some speeches. They then call the graduates up, group at a time, based on their degree, so they can collect their award.

When they eventually call up bachelor of psychology, I sit up straight in my seat and follow Charlie with my eyes as he, goes up onto the stage to collect his award. As they are given out in alphabetical order, he is one of the last and when he finally gets given it, he practically skips across the stage and back to his seat. 

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