Chapter 42: Red Sand?

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Date: Thursday 15th August 2024

Charlie’s POV

As it’s Isaacs birthday today, once I’ve fully woken up and had some ginger biscuits to get rid of the nausea, I send him a quick happy birthday message, before rushing to the toilet to pee. Not gonna lie, if this is how much I need to pee while the baby is still tiny, I don't quite know what I’ll do when its big and putting a lot more pressure on my bladder.

Once I’ve finished, I get back into bed and sit beside Nick who’s still fast asleep. I then gently lift his head onto my leg, being careful not to wake him, and begin to gently stroke his hair to pass the time.

Nick wakes up about 15 minutes later, and after another 30 minutes of cuddles, we get dressed and go have breakfast. While we’re eating, we engage in a conversation with Tilly and Leo about, well, I kind of lost track, but oh well.

We then all go to the living room to go watch a film, and about half an hour in, Nick goes to the kitchen to go make our lunch for later, leaving me with the twins.

As Nick was sitting next to me, (and I was sat on the end) the seat next to me was free, which Tilly went and sat in, before giving me a hug. As I was scared she was going to feel my bump I repositioned her arms so they were less likely to touch it, but once I had done that, I realised how nice it was. It was also kind of weird as it was so unexpected, but it was mainly nice.

Soon after, Nick came into the room again, and quickly took a photo. I didn’t realise why, until I realised/remembered Tilly was still hugging me. Nick then said “It’s time to go, we need to go get in the cars.”

Tilly and Leo quickly raced to the car, leaving me and Nick alone. I stood up to go to the car (after going to the loo) too, but Nick stopped me in the doorway.

“It’s nice, seeing you like a real part of the family.” he said.

“It feels nice, to be part of the family.”

We then quickly kiss, before I excuse myself to go to the toilet (which I practically run to as I'm so desperate, while also hearing Nick chuckle while watching me). Although, I don't blame him – I probably would have laughed too had it been him.

Once everyone is in the car, we drive to Cala Pilar, which is supposedly one of the nicest beaches in Menorca. We agreed to go here today, as we all agreed we’d want some days rest at the end of the holiday, and where better to relax than a beach.

When we get there, we begin the 5 minute walk from the car park to the beach, with me and Nick trundling along behind everyone else.

When we get there, I realise it was definitely not what I was expecting.

“The sand’s red?” I say to Nick.

“Yes, did I not tell you?”

“No, but it looks stunning.”

“Yep, we finish our holidays here a lot. Shall we go join the others?” he asks, while gesturing to the others, who are already laying out towels and picnic blankets.

“Ok,” I say, before we walk to the others.

When we reach them, Nick lays out our towels, which we then sit on, before we apply suncream – I only did it because I really don't need skin cancer now – and everyone who usually goes in the sea, plus David, goes in the sea, while I stay on dry land with Sarah and Diane, having some nice conversations.

By the time evening comes, we pack up our stuff and head back to the villa, where we all have a shower and get changed, before going out again to a restaurant for dinner.

After dinner, we go back to the villa (again) and play a board game, before finally going to bed.

A relaxing end to a relaxing day.

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