Chapter 24: The Military Museum of Menorca

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A/N: Apologies if the information in any of the following chapters is wrong – I’ve never been to Menorca, I'm just getting stuff off of the internet

Date: Sunday 28th July 2024

Nick’s POV

Charlie’s morning sickness was really bad again this morning. He was throwing up a lot, and he looked exhausted as I don't think he had a great night sleep.

Luckily, he isn’t feeling as bad now as today we’re going to the Military Museum of Menorca, followed by the beach this afternoon. Although I have told Charlie that if he doesn’t want to go to the beach this afternoon for whatever reason, we don't have to go. We’ll just come back here and watch movies instead.

After breakfast, we leave, with mum driving our car, David in shotgun and myself and Charlie in the back. I think David thinks he’s being annoying by sitting in the passenger seat, but he’s really not. I wanted to sit with Charlie anyway.

We get there at opening time (10am), park up and head inside. We buy our tickets and start to wonder round the museum. We go round all the rooms, looking at the artefacts, and learning about their history.

By 12, the twins were getting a little bored, so we decided to head back to the villa for lunch.

Upon our arrival, Charlie goes straight to our room, which worries me a little bit, but I decide to leave him for a few minutes then if he doesn’t come back out, I’ll go check on him.

While waiting, I play a round of uno with the twins, during which they destroy me, then aunt Diane brings their lunch over so I decide to go check on Charlie. 

When I reach our room, I see him lying on our bed hands resting on his stomach.

“Are you ok?” I ask.

“I feel like shit,” he responds.

I go over to him and give him a hug, before he lies back down.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” I ask.

“I don't know, this is just getting awful. But I don't think anything can be done about it.”

“Ok then, but let’s stay here this afternoon, while everyone’s at the beach,”

“OK, provided you don't mind,”

“Of course I don't mind. Do you want any lunch?”

“I don't know.”

“Should I bring you some food in here and you can eat what you want in here?”

“Yes please,”

“Ok, I’ll go get you something. But don't fall asleep while I'm gone. You need to eat.”

“I’ll try not to, but no promises.”

I go into the kitchen and get a tray out. I then start putting some of Charlie’s safe foods on their, hoping they will be easier for him to eat. I take the tray into him and place it on the bed next to him. He is still awake, so I don't have to wake him, so I just let him know the foods there and leave him to it, as I know he doesn’t want me to watch him eat.

I go back to the kitchen and make my own lunch, before joining everyone at the table. I let mum know that we wont be going to the beach this afternoon as Charlie’s tired, although I think she knows it’s a little more than that but she doesn’t say anything.

After eating my lunch, I go back in our room to see Charlie. A few of the foods are untouched, but that’s understandable as there was a lot in the first place as I wanted him to be able to choose. However the foods that he did eat, he was able to eat quite a lot of it. For instance, he was able to eat a whole family size bag of popcorn – although that’s unsurprising at this point.

About 10 minutes after I arrived, David comes into our room, without knocking or anything, and says “Mum says we’re leaving in 10 minutes so you need to get I move on,”

“Did mum tell you to come get us?” I ask, knowing she didn’t.

“Well, no, not exactly. But you’re coming so you need to know.”

“See, that’s where you’re mistaken. We’re not going to the beach, and mums already said we don't have to go and we can stay here. So I’d appreciate it if you’d leave us be and get out.”

“What how’s that fair? How come I have to go, but you don't?”

“I don't care, but if you do go ask mum. Now get out.”

He finally gets the message and leaves, but a few minutes later I hear him and mum arguing which I feel kind of guilty about.

However, I do hear them all leave (including David) shortly after which means we’re now on our own.

Now that there all gone I suggest to Charlie that we go walk to the shop and buy some more popcorn so we don't run out, which he agrees to.

When we return, we had bought 6 big bags, and 4 bags with smaller bags in it for when we go out, but I know this will only last him a few days.

We decide to store it in our room to make sure no-one else eats it or questions why we bought so much, before settling down on the bed and putting a movie on. My hands naturally find their way to his stomach, where his hands join mine, and we lie like this for a few hours.

When we hear the front door opening, we quickly retrieve our hands from under his shirt and make sure the shirt is covering the bump. About a minute later, mum comes in to check on us and shortly after she leaves David comes in. 

He starts complaining about how unfair it was, and how much he hated the beach, but after a few minutes I just zone out and ignore him. Charlie must do the same, as shortly after he gives up and just leaves us be.

We decide to emerge from our room for dinner, so people don't ask too many questions, although a few were still asked. But my aunt and uncle definitely seemed to have caught on.

We sit together round the table for dinner, and afterwards we play a family game of monopoly which, even though he feels awful, Charlie still annihilates us all at.

We end up having another early night, after finishing the game and we fall asleep in each other’s arms, hoping tomorrow will be a better day.

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