Chapter 14: The Second Interview

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Date: Monday 8th July 2024

Charlie’s POV

As I enter the Higgs gate at 10:50 for my second interview, I’m not sure how to feel. It feels, kind of good knowing I’m in the place that took Elle in after Truham made her feel so bad. And the place (after a bit of time) that accepted Tara and Darcy, and Imogen and Sahar. And the place where Tori met Michael, the one human outside of the family she cares about more than anyone.

But I just don’t feel a connection to it. I know that I still want to work here, and maybe build up a connection, but it just feels strange as I spent so little time of my school life here. We might have done the occasional concert here, but they were predominantly done at Truham.

However, I decide to just push all these feelings aside, and not let them interfere with the interview.

I enter the building, and sign in at reception, where I’m immediately greeted by the 3 deputy heads. This time instead of leading me to an office, they say that they want to walk me round the school, and meet a few students I would be working with, as there is no point, them offering me the job and then the students not liking me.

The school feels nice and welcoming. As we walk down the corridors I see students work up on display, and notice that it celebrates, those who appear to struggle educationally as much as they celebrate those who are high achievers. I also see display boards that celebrate the diversity within the school. 

This makes me feel good about coming here. Knowing that I will be accepted for being me.

As we continue to go round the school, I notice that there is one thing lacking on the display boards, and that’s information on mental health, so I decide to ask, “Assuming I get the job, will I be able to do a display board on the importance of mental health, as I have seen all the beautiful display boards celebrating diversity, but not a lot on mental health which I consider just as important.”

The deputy from Higgs takes a moment to ponder, before answering “Yes, I'm sure that could be arranged. Well done for taking initiative, I like it.”

We continue to go round the school, and they continue to ask me a few questions, until we come up to a closed door, and the deputy announces “This will be your office on the days that you're here.”

She opens the door and walks in, the other deputies follow her, then I follow them. It’s a fairly small room, but there is enough space to do some group sessions on a circular table, and there are some armchairs for one to one sessions. There is a desk for me to do my work on, and a small cabinet for storage. 

Once I’ve had a look round the room, they proceed to tell me that this will be primarily my room, however others, for instance those who need a separate room for exams, will also be using it occasionally.

After a few minutes of discussion, the Higgs deputy, says that she’s just going to get a few of the students that I would be seeing, so she disappears for a while.

When she returns she has 4 students with her, all seeming to be from different years. They all take a seat round the table and I join them. The deputies then leave, saying they’ll be just outside if we need them.

Once they leave, I notice that all of them seem a little bit uncomfortable, so I decide to say that we’ll go around the table saying our name, pronouns, and 1 or two things about ourselves knowing this may be a good way to break the ice. I start by saying, “My name is Charlie, although you will probably know me as Mr Spring, my pronouns are he/him, I want this job because I struggled with my mental health a lot when I was younger and I want to help others who are also struggling, and I have been with my boyfriend since I was in year 10, so I was 14.”

This seemed to make them all a bit more comfortable. I thought it would, as it showed that I was struggling like some of them probably are and that I was queer so it was ok to be open with me about anything like that and not feel like I won’t accept them.

Once we have made it round the table with everyone introducing themselves, we get into a big discussion/debate about which is better, cats or dogs, as this can be an easy topic as it doesn’t get to personal, but reveals a lot more about a person than they realise. In the middle of the debate, the deputies re-enter the room, to laughter, and smiles which they seem to be pleased with. One of the students then decides to ask them which they think are best which results in the debate lasting another 5 minutes, until they say it’s time to go back to class. The Higgs deputy escorts them back to their classes, while the other 2 take a seat at the table with me.

“It looks like they were having a good time,” one of them said.

“They were. They seem like good kids.”

“They are, they just need a little bit of help, which we can clearly see you will be able to give them. We will be interviewing them later to see what they thought about you compared to the others they have seen today, but don’t worry about that – they weren’t nearly as happy as when we came back into you, with the others so I’m sure they’re going to be voting for you. We will then do a final interview with the best candidates on Monday, and afterwards we will make a final decision.”

“Ok, do you know when I’ll find out if I get to go to the final interview?”

“We plan on making the phone call tomorrow afternoon to confirm it, but if you don’t get called back I’ll give everyone in the world a million pounds.”

“Am I really that good?”

“Yes, you’re amazing with the student, and seem to want to make a positive change to as many people as possible. Even if you don’t get it this time, I guarantee you will be in this profession for the rest of you’re life as you’re such a natural.”

“Thank you.”

At that moment, the Higgs deputy returns and says “I’m sorry Charlie, but that’s all we have time for, however I do have one more favour to ask; do you mind if we take a photo of you so when we talk with the student they will all definitely know who we’re talking about and when?”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

“Great, if you could just stand against that wall over there,” she say while gesturing towards an empty wall, which I go over to. 

She takes the photo, and says “Great all done, I’ll walk you down to reception where you can sign out, then you’re free to go.”

“Thank you.”

As I leave Higgs, I realise that this is a place where I really want to work. This is the place that I’ve been dreaming of. And that dream might just come true.

When I get back home, I go into the kitchen and quickly have some lunch, as I need to go back out again to the shops to buy my mum a birthday present as her birthdays on Saturday. I am still not entirely sure, why I’m seeing her, oh wait yes I do. She’s a control freak, and if I don’t go or go empty handed she’ll have a fit. But it will also be nice and good to see Olly, as I haven’t since graduation which was a disaster.

As I walk round the shops I cant find anything good to give to her. I don’t want to spend to much on her – like more than £5 – but I also don’t want her complaining that what I get her cheap. 

I eventually find this soap and candle shop, where there is some really cheap bars of soap that look expensive, but are really only £2, so I get one of them and I also notice this slightly tacky candle that’s only £1.50 so I decide to get he that as well to keep her quiet.

After paying, and exiting the shop, I think to myself that that was a successful mission, as I found mum a cheap present that will keep her mouth shut and stop her from complaining.

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