Chapter 7 - Sarah, Tori, and Michael

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Date: Saturday 22nd June 2024

Charlie’s POV

I wake up before Nick, in the same position we fell asleep in yesterday – his arms around my waist, hands resting on my stomach. In a weird way it kind of makes me feel safer and less alone, as I know that Nick is there protecting the baby from the outside world even though it is inside me.

A few minutes later Nick starts to stir, so I roll over so I am facing him. As he wakes up he murmurs out “Morning,” before reaching out in front of me to feel my stomach. As his hand find my stomach I allow mine to do the same so we’re both resting on my stomach.

“How are you feeling today?” Nick asks.

“I’m ok, just not quite sure what to do first really.”

“How about we plan who we want to tell and when so we can start making plans?”

“Ok, I think we should tell your mum today as she’ll be able to give us more information on what to do next and I’d quite like to tell Tori and Michael today as well if that’s alright with you?”

“Yes, that sounds good. Do you want to tell your parent or Oliver?”

“I don’t want to tell my parents until I’m through the first trimester just in case my mum tries to make me abort, and as much as I’d like to tell Oliver I don’t want him to know until my parents know just in case he accidentally lets something slip.”

“Ok, so long as you’re ok with that. Do you want to message Tori asking if we can come over to theirs this afternoon so we can tell them?”

“Yes, I’ll do that now.”

I pick my phone up from the bedside table, and open up Tori’s contact and our messaging chain. I then type out a message that reads:

Charlie: Are you free this afternoon so me and Nick to come round as we want to talk to you about something?

About 30 seconds after sending the message she replies;

Tori: Is everything ok? If everything isn’t ok tell me now.

Charlie: Everything’s fine, we just want to talk with you

Tori: Ok, we are free from 3 O’clock this afternoon, so see you then?

Charlie: See you then xx

I then say to Nick, “We’re going round theirs at 3 if that’s ok with you?”

“Yes, that’s fine. When do you want to tell my mum?”

“How about after breakfast?” I suggest.

“Ok, should we go and have breakfast now?”

“Yeah, I mean, we have nothing better to do.”

Before we get up Nick sneaks a quick kiss on my stomach which turns into so many kisses that I lose count. I kind of makes me love him even more, even though I thought I already loved him the most I physically could.

I let him continue, but after 5 minutes of him non-stop kissing my stomach I feel like it’s getting a bit ridiculous, so I say to him “Come on, I’m hungry which also means baby’s hungry and I’m sure you don’t want that.”

As soon as the words exit my mouth, he stops kissing me, stands up and helps me up – even though I am still not pregnant enough to need the help – and we walk downstairs into the kitchen.

Nick asks me what I would like to eat, so I say “Can I have 2 pieces of toast with an incredibly thin scraping of butter on them?”

“Yes, I’ll go make it now, you go have a seat at the table and I’ll bring it down.”

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