Chapter 37: Lithica

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Date: Saturday 10th August 2023

Nick’s POV

Today we’re visiting Lithica. An old quarry that now has multiple Labyrinths, gardens and sculptures.

I get woken up by Charlie going into the bathroom, although I don't hear him running so I don't worry too much. And I didn’t need to, as a couple of minutes later he came back into the bedroom and got back into bed.

When he noticed I was awake he said, with slight annoyance “That’s the 3rd time since I went to bed, last night, that I’ve had to go to the toilet.”

“I'm sorry. Although I'm not quite sure what else to say so help me out here.”

“It’s fine, just annoying, and kind of getting on my nerves. But hey, at least we have a nice day planned today.”

“Yep, by the way, it’s going to be hot today, so please make sure you drink enough, and don't ware yourself out.”

“I will, and I won’t. I promise.”

“Good.” I say “Come on, we need to get up.”

“Ugh, 5 more minutes?”

“Ok, but then we really have to get up.”

So we spend the following 5 minutes cuddling, before he allows me to finally help him up and we get dressed.

Once dressed, we go into the kitchen and make and eat our breakfast, before getting into the car with everyone else.

I made sure I’d packed a lot of water, to ensure Charlie stayed hydrated and nothing bad would happen, as it’s supposed to be really hot today, and Lithica supposedly has little shade.

When we got there, everyone paid for their entry, before we started following the route marked out on the map, as it visited majority of things we wanted to see plus a few extras.

By 12 o’clock we had seen the Medieval Garden, s’Hostal, and the plant labyrinth, and we had just arrived at the mineral labyrinth (which is the main one) when it happened.

Charlie’s POV

At around 12, I started feeling a little wobbly and dizzy, but it wasn’t too bad, so I just sat down on a bench for 5 minutes and had a drink.

It cleared up for a couple of minutes, but eventually it just got worse and worse.

I tried to tell Nick, only he was a few metres ahead talking to Diane.

I eventually couldn’t handle walking anymore, so I just stopped in the middle of the path.

David, who was behind me, stood in front of me and asked what I could make out to be “Charlie, are you ok?”

Only the words kept blurring into one, until everything went black.

David’s POV

I was walking behind Charlie when he suddenly stopped. I wasn’t sure what was wrong, so I went to face him to ask if he was ok, but I didn’t even need to ask to know that he wasn’t. His skin looked pale, skin moist with sweat, join weak.

Then he just collapsed.

Luckily I had caught him, but as soon as he had I lowered him to the ground and yelled “NICK!!!!”

He quickly turned around and as soon as he had realised what had happened, he came running over, with mum following.

When he arrived, he essentially dove to the floor, and took him out of my arms, so he was resting in his. He then started playing with Charlie’s hair while whispering “Come on Charlie, wake up.”

Charlie’s POV

I open my eye’s to see Nick looking over me, stroking my hair.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yeah, just got a bit overheated.” I said as I slowly sat up, while Nick passed me a drink.

After a few minutes, everyone had decided that Nick and I would go back to the villa in one of the cars, and Nick would go collect the others later.

When we got back to the villa, we decided to go in the pool, so I could cool off a bit, and we stayed in there until Nick had to go get everyone, and I stayed back to get changed.

When everyone got home, I was sat in the living room watching TV, when the living room door burst open and the twins came flying in. they ran over to hug me and asked “Are you ok, uncle Charlie?”

“I’m fine thank you. I just got a bit hot. Anyway, what’s with this uncle Charlie?”

“Oh, um, sorry.” Tilly said.

“No, no, no, don't be sorry. You can call me that if youd like. In fact id rather like it.”

“Really?” Leo said excitedly.

“Of course.”

Nick then appeared at the door and came and sat next to me, and we ended up watching a film until dinner, played a board game and went to bed.

As we were getting into bed I said to Nick “Hey, guess what?”


“Tilly and Leo called me uncle Charlie earlier.”


“Yes. I mean, it’s kind of sweet.”

“Yeah. Are you sure you’re ok with it? I can tell them to stop if you don't like it.”

“Nick, it’s fine. It’s like I'm finally finding the family I’ve always wanted.”

“Ok, but if you’re ever not ok with it then tell me.”

“I will. Goodnight.”


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