Chapter 2: The Park

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Date: Saturday 15th June 2024

Nick's POV

I wake up with Charlie resting his head on my chest. I reach for my phone, being careful not to wake him, and just scroll through social media. A few minutes later, he slowly starts to stir, before opening his eyes and sitting up. "Morning" he says "Morning" I reply before giving him a quick kiss. I need to talk to him, but I don't know how he is going to react.

"Charlie," I say "You know last night"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"There was something that I've been wanting to tell you about but I didn't know how you'd react"

"What is it?"

"My condom must have either had a hole in it or it broke, because when I took it off it had a small tear and cum was leaking out. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this last night."

He remains silent, so I continue,

"But, I mean what are the odds of you being pregnant? You surely haven't had your period for a while now."

"Nick, my period was only about a week and a half ago, this is probably when I am most fertile"

Charlie's POV

"Fuck" Nick exclaims. I am currently panicking so much as I am not ready to be pregnant. I don't want to be pregnant. I can't breathe. I feel myself hyperventilating. I don't know what to think. My brain is going a million miles an hour.

Nick's POV

I notice Charlie starting to hyperventilate, so I wrap my arms around him in effort to sooth him. I whisper in his ear that everything will be ok and even if he is, I'll still love him.

After about 10 minutes, he slowly starts to calm down. So I say "Come on. Let's get ready, don't forget we're seeing Tori, Michael and Oliver later." We then get up and go downstairs to have some breakfast.

As we enter the kitchen, mum is sat at the table eating her breakfast. I tell Charlie to go and sit down with her while I make our breakfast.

Once I have made breakfast, I bring it over to the table and hand Charlie his plate. I sit down and start eating and see Charlie nibbling, but barely eating his food. Mum must notice as well, as she makes some excuse about needing to get ready for something and goes upstairs.

"Hey, Char, are you ok?"

"Yes, just not very hungry, that's all."

"Ok, just try and eat as much as you can"

We both sit there in comfortable silence, until I say "Did I remember to tell you about the job I got offered starting September?"

"No, how could you forget to tell me about something like this?!"

"Well we were busy" I reply as he starts to blush.

"Anyway, the job is a year 2 teacher at Truham-Higgs Primary School."

"Wow, Nick, that's really good. I'm happy for you."

"That's not all, they are also looking for a school councillor for themselves, Truham Grammar and Higgs Grammar so I told them about you and they suggested that you fill out the application form ad you would be just the sort of person they wanted. So what do you think? Would you want to apply? If you do I already have the application form."

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