Chapter 32: Torralba d'En Salord

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Date: Monday 5th August 2024

Charlie’s POV

When I wake up I notice that Nick isn’t next to me, so I get out some biscuits and eat a few before sitting up. I check the time and realise that it is almost half 8. That must be the longest I’ve slept in weeks.

I assume Nick’s in the kitchen, as he’s not in the ensuite, so I get up, get dressed and go into the kitchen to try and find him.

When I arrive I see him stood behind the counter making our lunch for later. He looks up and notices me, so I go over and give him a good morning hug and kiss, before I make myself a cup of tea and sit down while he continues with the lunches.

Once he’s done he makes himself his breakfast and joins me at the table. Unfortunately the moment is ruined a few minutes later, as David comes in and starts ranting about losing the game last night all over again, which I can tell is starting to annoy Nick. 

Luckily, before hell broke loose, everyone came in as it was time to go, so we quickly put our breakfast stuff away, and went to the car, with Nick carrying our lunch.

Once everyone was in the car, we drove the 15 minutes to Torralba d’En Salord. When we got there we went into the entrance building, leaving our lunch in the car for later, and paid the entrance fee.

Once we were in the main site, it was 10am so we made a plan as to what we would see and in what order so we could be at the beach for around 12:30. We agreed to start at the Taula enclosure and the Taula seen as one was inside the other, so we walked over to it and had a look round. 

The enclosure was a massive horse-shoe shape, that went around the Taula. It was made out of some really old stone and was worn away in most places. The Taula itself, was made out of 2 stones. There was a central one going vertically upwards, which was 4.3m tall and a horizontal one resting on top, 3.18m wide 0.73m thick, giving it an overall height of over 5 metres.

Not going to lie the entirety of the time we spent near it I was terrified that it was going to collapse and crush me and the baby. Or Nick. I don't know what I’d do if it crushed him. 

After roughly 30 minutes, we moved on to the West Talayotic (seen as it was right next to it). We spent about another 2 hours looking everywhere at the site including:

- East Talayotic

- Hypostyle hall

- Hypogea and caves

- The ruins of the Talayotic houses

- The cyclopean wall

- Late medieval buildings (one of which might have been a Christian chapel)

By the time we had seen it all, it was 12:30 so we went to the usual beach and had our picnic there. Shortly after lunch the usual lot went in the sea, while the rest of us hung back on dry land.

When they all came back, Nick dried himself off before putting his T-shirt back on and helped me stand up so we could go on our usual walk. 

As we started walking, I noticed him start to lead me towards the sea – which I didn’t object to – so I just let him lead the way. 

When we reach the sea, we go in up to our knees and just embrace each other in a warm hug. I wish it could never end. But I also know if it never ends then I will never get to meet our child. 

They’re 2 rather conflicting thoughts actually. 

After what’s like a 10 minute long hug, we part and just spend some time in the moment. Not caring about what anyone thinks or says. Just being in our own little world.

After about an hour, we go back to everyone else who are already packing everything away. We help them finish packing up the last few bits, before we bring it all back to the cars and drive home.

When we get home, I am exhausted so while everyone makes dinner I go and have a nap, however, as I leave the kitchen I hear David making a quiet remark to do with me being lazy, which even though I hear, I am too tired to care. Nick will also deal with him anyway, even if it means he gets in trouble.

Nick’s POV

Davids remark about Charlie being lazy really pissed me off. How dare he say that about him. 

So, as soon as I hear the door to our room shut I say “How dare you say that about him?”

“Well, he is. He has just gone to have a nap while the rest of us are left with the chores.”

“He isn’t lazy. He just does more things with his life than you, so he gets more tired, so he needs more sleep. In fact it’s what makes him a better person than you.”

“What the fuck are you saying?”

“I think you know exactly what I am saying. But if it’s not clear. YOU are the lazy one. You are ungrateful, rude, and a bully. But worst of all you treat me and my life choices like they’re the worst thing in the world – even though they’re really not. So you need to get off that high horse of yours and start living life as it really is, because if you don't, well, you wont get very far will you? And this is your last chance, if you don't start making an effort to understand and appreciate my life, then we don't have a future, and you will NEVER hear from me again.”

Once I’ve said all this, David looks a little taken aback, but I feel so much better. Lighter. So I just go to Charlie, where I find him fast asleep, so I get into bed with him and snuggle up to him, which he subconsciously does to me as well. I end up falling asleep and not waking up until the morning, meaning neither of us had dinner – and although this is really bad – it was also kind of nice. I got to stand up to my brother, and fall asleep next to my beautiful boyfriend.

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