Chapter 26: Mahon

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Date: Tuesday 30th July 2024

Nick’s POV

Today, we’re going to Mahon, the capital city, so after everyone’s had their breakfast, we get into the cars and drive there. I’ve been looking forward to today as we’ve got loads of things planned to do, although I am a little worried as to how Charlie will manage as he seems to be getting tired quickly at the moment.

We park at 9:15, and as it takes us 5 minutes to walk to our first destination, we will get to the portal de sant roc at 20 past.

When we get there, I cant stop looking at it. It looks absolutely stunning. It’s been well preserved considering it’s from the 14th century and as it’s the last remnant of the wall of Mahon it just makes it more amazing. We spend about 30 minutes wondering around, admiring the structure, before walking to the next place, the Ca’n’Oliver art and history museum.

We spend about an hour there, wondering round all the rooms and looking at all the artifacts and paintings, before we all decide to go to the colonial houses.

We only spend just under 30 minutes there as, as amazing it is, there isn’t too much to see or do so we soon move on to the santa maria church.

I'm sure its one of the most beautiful places there are. The stain glass windows and there pictures, the ornate stone designs, and the stunning organ playing that left everyone speechless. We spend about an hour here, although we probably could have spent longer, but it reaches 12:30 and the twins start complaining that they're hungry, so we decide to go and find a restaurant for lunch.

We walked along a few of the streets trying to find a nice one, and after a few minutes of looking, we found a nice, small, independent one, that had a large menu with a variety of food, meaning everyone could have something they liked.

We went in and got seated at a table, and started looking over the menu. Charlie and I had a small discussion over what we were going to order, and it sounded like everyone else was doing the same.

A few minutes later a waiter came along and took our food orders, and 20 minutes later he brought the food out. Charlie and I had decided to get a sharing platter so he could eat as much or as little as he wanted and it not be too noticeable (considering he is still working on eating in public). 

Within half an hour, everyone had finished their meals and had decided that we would head to the beach. Before we left I checked with Charlie that he was still feeling ok, and that if he wasn’t we could go back to the villa. However, he assured me that he felt fine and would be ok.

When we got to the beach, I asked Charlie “Do you want to go in the sea?”

“No, I'm fine. But you should go.”

“Are you ok? You always want to go in the sea.”

“I'm fine, just not feeling like it today.”

“Ok,” I say, knowing that pushing him to talk would make everything bad. I then said to everyone “Does anyone want to go in the sea with me?”

Uncle Rich, Tilly and Leo ended up joining me and we went to go play catch in the sea, while Charlie stayed back talking to mum and Aunt Diane, while David sunbathed what looked like a million miles away.

When we came out the sea 30 minutes later, everyone was now sunbathing, and having a peaceful time.

I went and sat next to Charlie, and as if he could sense my presence he sat up. We had a small conversation which lead to us deciding to go and have a walk along the coast.

The walk was nice, and we got to watch the sun set over the ocean. Charlie opened up to me about why he didn’t want to go in the sea, which I obviously understood and we just had a nice time being a couple, which is something we haven’t really been able to do for a while. But I think it's something that were going to really appreciate in the future. The times when it was just us, however I cant wait for when its us and mini us spending time together. I think it will be really nice.

When we get back to the villa that evening, we have dinner with everyone, before going into our room to watch a movie and extend the us time just a little further. As the evening goes on, we slowly drift off in each other’s arms, facing each other, meaning the baby can be in between the both of us.

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