Chapter 28: Ciutadella de Menorca

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Date: Thursday 1st August 2024

Charlie’s POV

I wake up feeling not so great. I don't feel as though I'm going to be sick, I just feel awful.

I get up as I need to go to the toilet, but as I do an enormous wave of nausea hits me and I run to the bathroom and sit in front of the toilet. Nick must hear me as about a minute later he comes in and sits next to me.

“How are you feeling?” he asks.

“Not great. I woke up feeling fine, but when I got up to go to the toilet, nausea hit.”

“Do you still need to go to the toilet then?”

“Yes, but I'm scared that if I move to much I’ll be sick.”

“Wait here.” He says, before walking out the bathroom.

I remain on the bathroom floor, while waiting for him to come back, which after a few minutes he does, with my ginger biscuits in hand.

Shit. I forgot to have them before getting up. I am such an idiot.

He comes and sits next to me again and hands me a biscuit. I start slowly eating it, and feel the nausea slowly start to pass when I'm on my third.

I then decide that my nausea isn’t strong enough to make me throw up, so I go to the toilet – although I do need a little help from Nick as I'm a bit wobbly.

Once I'm done, we head back into the bedroom and sit down on the bed. Someone then knocks on the door. “Come in!” Nick calls. Sarah enters with a slightly worried look on her face.

“Are you two ok? I was getting a little worried as neither of you had come out to breakfast.”

“We’re ok, Charlie’s morning sickness was just a bit bad this morning.”

“Ok, well come out for breakfast when you’re ready, both of you. And don't feel any pressure to come with us to the beach this afternoon if your not feeling up to it.”

“Thanks Sarah. I’ll see how I feel later.”

“Ok then, see you shortly.” She says before leaving.

Nick then helps me get dressed as I’m still a little uneasy on my feet, before getting dressed himself. Although I think the amount of time he took to get completely dressed was the amount of time it took to get my trousers on as they are starting to get a little small – I bet I’ll be in maternity trousers by the end of the week.

We then go to the kitchen for breakfast. I just have a cup of tea, where as Nick has some toast. I think he’s fine with me not having a proper breakfast, as I’ve already had a few ginger biscuits today which could be considered breakfast anyway.

Due to our slow start this morning, we don't end up leaving for Ciutadella until 10:30.

Ciutadella is the old capital city of Menorca until something or other happened and Mahon took that spot.

When we arrive, at around 11am, we go straight to the Menorca cathedral. Upon first sight of it, it looks stunning. It is considered the most important gothic building on the island and it lies on an old mosque.

After spending about half an hour looking round at the stunning architecture, we decide to move on to the San Nicolas Castle.

When we arrive, you can see exactly where it is due to its distinctive shape – octagonal. It is am old military watch tower made of mores stone. 

We spend just over an hour exploring the castle, before the twins start complaining that they’re hungry, so we decide to go to Port de Ciutadella (a port with lots of shops and restaurants) for lunch.

When we get there, it’s bursting with tourists and locals doing some shopping. We spend about 5 minutes trying to find a nice restaurant, and when we do, we go in and get seated. A waiter then comes along and takes our order, and later on, brings it out. We eat and everything is rather boring and normal. But I prefer this to drama and chaos.

After lunch, we spend a couple of hours wondering round the town and by the end of it I'm exhausted. I let Nick know that I don't have enough energy for the beach, and then he goes and talks to Sarah, who then goes and talks to Rich and Diane - I'm surprised this hasn’t turned into a massive game of Chinese whispers.

Shortly after, Sarah announces that instead of the beach, we’ll go back to the villa and have a pool evening in our private pool. The twins seem fine with it, if not, exited, but David looks like he’s just been whacked in the face with a frying pan. he then goes and starts arguing with Sarah, who is able to argue back with many reasonable answers, that David can’t argue against (for example, it’s getting late (it’s 15:30), we have a pool so we might as well use it). He then begins to pout and remains rather annoyed all the way back to the villa.

When we get back, everyone goes inside to change, either into swim stuff or comfy clothes and rejoins poolside, where everyone whose going to swim get’s in the pool and everyone else goes and lies down on a sun lounger.

I opted for the latter on both, but was the last to come out as I wanted some popcorn, but I couldn't find any so I had to search for it. When I come out, I find myself an empty lounger, adjust it so it’s in a sitting position with a slight lean back, sit down and start eating my popcorn. 

About half an hour later, Nick gets out the pool and joins me on the neighbouring sun lounger. We spend the rest of the afternoon like this, and when dinner finally comes around Nick goes and grabs our plates and we eat on the loungers.

After dinner, we go to our room and put on a movie. Shortly after I fall asleep in Nicks arms. 

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