Chapter 5 - Words of Wisdom

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Date: Tuesday 18th June 2024

Charlie’s POV

It’s around 10 o’clock when my phone begins to ring. I thought it was Nick as he had been just as worried about me being on my own as yesterday, but when I looked at the screen it was an unknown number.

I answer it, expecting it to be a wrong number, before the caller asks, “Is this Charlie Spring?”

“Yes.” I reply.

“Hello, this is the Truham-Higgs primary schools deputy head, calling on behalf of the 3 schools.”


“I am calling you to inform you that we have gone through the applications we have already received, and we have decided that we would like to schedule an interview for you, if you still want the job.”

“Really? That would be amazing! When would the interview be?”

“We were thinking the 1st of July at 10:30 if that works for you?”

“Yes, that works for me,”

“Great, if you can come to Truham-Higgs primary school reception for the scheduled time where you will be interviewed by myself and a deputy head from both Truham grammar school and Higgs grammar school.”

“Ok see you then, bye.”

“Bye.” As soon as they end the call, I jump up from the sofa with excitement. I can’t believe I have my first interview scheduled for a job that I would love, but almost didn’t apply for. I’m very grateful for Nick and Michael and everyone else for convincing me to apply, and now I just can’t wait to tell them the good news. Because even if I don’t get it, at least I know now that people might actually be interested in hiring me, and that gives me hope. Although, I do hope I get it.

At about 12 o’clock I leave and start walking towards Isaacs flat as we had agreed a few weeks ago to meet up for lunch. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there, and when I do, Isaac shows up at the door, book in hand, and invites me in.

We go into his living room, and he sits down in his armchair, while I take a seat on his sofa.

Isaac’s POV

As we take a seat in the living room, I notice that somethings up with Charlie. So, I ask “Is everything ok?”

“Yes, everything’s fine.” He responds. We sit in silence for a couple of minutes before he continues “I got a call back from this place where I had applied for a job, and they want to meet with me.”

“Wow, that’s amazing.” I say but I know it’s not what is on his mind. We return to silence for another few minutes, then he says “Look, I need to tell you something as I need to tell someone, but can you please promise not to tell anyone.”

“Ok, I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

“When I got back from uni, me and Nick had our fun, but his condom broke, and I was fertile and now I’m terrified that I might be pregnant. He has also started acting really weird and more over-protective than usual and I honestly don’t know what to do.”

I ponder for a moment then I say “Start by talking to Nick, then maybe you can decide to take a pregnancy test just to be safe. And remember, even if you are pregnant, you still have 9 months to prepare, you don’t have to be ready now, you just have to be ready then.”

Charlie’s POV

I realise that Isaacs right. I decide to talk to Nick tonight so we’re both on the same page.

Isaac and I spend the rest of the day talking and just having some deep conversations before I have to go otherwise Nick will start to worry.

It gets to half 3 just before I arrive so I anticipate the phone call I’ll get from a worried Nick, but I never get one. However, when I enter the house, he rushes up to me and gives me a hug that’s so tight I can’t breathe.

He then says “I didn’t phone, but I was still worried. I promise to try and not worry so much.”

“It’s ok, I know you’re trying.”

The rest of the afternoon is pretty relaxed, we watch movies, have dinner, then Nick has rugby training at 19:00 as he joined a club so he could continue his passion for the sport. He gets home at 21:30 at which point, because I’m so tired, I am already in bed. He comes into our room and strips to his boxers, before joining me.

I decide to just talk to him now as there is no point in delaying it any further.

“Nick.” He turns to look at me. “Would you be okay about me taking a pregnancy test as I’m really scared and I just want to be sure.”

“If you want to, then of course you can. How about I pick some up after work on Friday so we can do it a week after so we are more likely to get an accurate result?”

“Yes, that sounds good.”

“And Charlie, please remember that even if you are pregnant, I’ll still love you.”

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