Chapter 19 - Truham

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T/W: Vomit

Date: Friday 19th July 2024

Charlie’s POV

I wake up before Nick, which is unusual, but I remember falling asleep early last night, which might explain it. I start sitting up so I can message Olly to find out when I can see him today, when a wave of nausea hits me.

I dash to the bathroom, where I make it just in time to be sick in the toilet. Great. Morning sickness has begun. I really should have been expecting it to come, considering I have just hit the 5 week mark.

A few minutes later Nick materialises at the door, and asks “Are you ok?”

“No, morning sickness has just hit.”

“Oh, I'm sorry love. Can I do anything?”

“I'm not sure.”

“How about before school, we stop off at the shop and pick up some snacks containing ginger to help settle your stomach, and over the weekend we can do some research into what can help?”

“That sounds good. I'm going to have a shower now and get cleaned off if that’s ok with you?”

“Yes that’s fine.”

He then goes back to our room, presumably to get ready, and leaves me to it.

I strip out of my vomit smelling clothes and get into the shower.

Once I'm all clean, I wrap myself in my towel and head into the bedroom where Nick is sat, already dressed. He goes downstairs and says that he’ll go make our lunches, leaving me to get dressed.

Once dressed I then message Olly.

Charlie: Is it ok if we meet up today? Today’s one of the days when I work at Truham.

Olly: Yes, I’m free at lunch if that’s good for you?

Charlie: I haven’t got my schedule yet, but as soon as I know I will message you – but according to my contract, I am allowed at least a 30 minute lunch break, so I should definitely be able to see you at some point over lunch.

Olly: Ok, see you later

I then go downstairs, and see Nick finishing off our lunches. He tells me to sit down, which I do without argument, considering it feels like the pregnancy just got real.

He then packs our bags, and we head out to the car. Nick then drives us to the shop, and we get out and go inside.
The best thing we can find, is some plain ginger biscuits which look fairly nice – although it doesn’t help that I’m not the biggest fan of ginger – which we then buy.

He then drops me off at Truham, saying he’ll come and collect me later, which I don’t complain about as I think I'm going to have a load of student files to take home to look at over the summer and I don’t fancy carrying them all home.

I head into reception and wait for Matilda Braye (deputy) and Daniel Shannon (head) to come get me. It’s kind of weird calling Mr Shannon Daniel, considering I’ve only ever known him and Mr Shannon.

After about 5 minutes, they come and see me. They take me to my office and explain how things work here. They said that it will be more 1 to 1 work than the primary, but I can still do some group sessions if I can fit them into my schedule after the summer holidays. They then say apart from that it’s all the same and they hand me my schedule for the day.

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