Chapter 23 - Flying to Menorca

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Date: Saturday 27th July 2024

Nick’s POV

As we are flying to Menorca today, we all have to get up reasonably early and get ready quickly. Luckily, our flight isn’t until 12:45 which gives us a bit of time, but it will take us an hour to get to Heathrow airport, and in the way we are stopping at my aunt and uncles, as they are coming as well. However, my mum took the dogs to my grandparents last night, so that’s one last job we have to do today. 

When I wake up, I reach out and try to feel for Charlie. When I realise he’s not there I start to panic. What if somethings happened to him or the baby? I get out of bed to go and look for him. When I get out onto the landing, I call out for him, and he responds “In here,” from the bathroom in an exhausted tone.

I immediately dash in there, to see Charlie sat on the floor, back against the wall, toilet lid open, with vomit inside and on him. I go and sit next to him and ask “Are you ok?”

“I don't know. I guess so, I just think my morning sickness has worsened meaning the biscuits don't work anymore,”

“I’m sorry, I wish I could make this easier for you.”

“Me too. I think the worst of it is over, now for today, so if it’s ok with you, I'm going to have a shower.”

“Of course it’s ok,” I say while turning the shower on for him. I then help him undress then get in. He then asks “Aren’t you coming in as well?”

It doesn’t take me long after that to get in the shower with him.

Afterwards, we go into our room and get dressed. We then head downstairs and have some breakfast, before mum and I pack the car. 

By 8am, we are on the road, driving to my aunt and uncles.

We get there at around 8:20, and we go inside to catch up for a little bit as we don't need to leave for the airport until 8:45.

At 8:35, Uncle Rich goes and pack his car, and at 8:45 we leave for the airport. It takes us just over an hour to get to Heathrow, and we are inside the main building for 10:00, leaving us 2 hours and 45 minutes until our plane leaves.

We start of by checking in and giving in our luggage. We then go check the screen to find out that our flight is running on time. We then go through security, and go to duty free to buy snacks for the flight. Charlie goes to the toilet, which I find a little odd as he rarely needs to go, but he might just be getting prepared for the flight.

At 12:15 we board, and find our seats. We have 2 rows of 2 and a row of 3, so my mum and her sister, Aunt Diane, sit with each other, Charlie and I sit with each other, leaving Uncle Rich with my twin cousins (Tilly and Leo).

During the flight (which is only 2 hours and 20 minutes long), Charlie goes to the toilet another 2 times. It is now starting to worry me, as even though it’s a normal pregnancy symptom, it normally occurs between 10-13 weeks, whereas he is only 6 weeks. It just makes me worry that something is wrong. But I can’t help but feel bad for him, as it feels like he has just been hit in the face with a load of pregnancy symptoms in one go. And to make things worse, it’s right before our holiday, which means that this holiday could be really shit, especially for him.

When we land it’s 16:05 (15:05 BST), and we get off the plane relatively quickly, and collect our luggage. We then go to the exit to wait for David, as his flight was delayed slightly, but it was earlier than ours so his ETA is about 10 minutes from now.

When David finally arrives, he says hello to everyone, but kind of just leaves us to it. Since the dinner party with dad and Charlie’s family, he hasn’t been as much of an asshole, but he can still be slightly infuriating.

We all go and collect our rental cars, and once we get to the villa, David goes straight to the room with the ensuite – typical – but within 5 minutes mum kicks him out after he is unable to come up with a good reason as to why he should have the ensuite.

Luckily though, everyone else seems fine with it, and there is a chance they might have even caught on, due to Charlie’s pregnancy symptoms being bad today.

He ends up having an early night, as he is exhausted from everything that’s happened today. So I join him in bed, and we cuddle until he falls asleep, then eventually I do to.

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