Chapter 22: Packing

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Date: Friday 26th July 2024

Charlie’s POV

Tomorrow we fly out to Menorca, and we still haven’t packed yet so guess what we’ll be doing today. We have spent the last few days worrying about things that could go wrong with the baby, which has led us to have at least 50 backup plans. But despite the (what could be considered) overpreparation, it has allowed us to relax a bit and not worry so much. 

However, with my bump growing by the day, and my trousers becoming a bit of a squeeze, I am concerned that I will grow out of them when we’re over there. Therefore, I was going to broach the subject of buying a few pairs of maternity shorts and maybe a pair of maternity jeans today, just in case.

While I wait for Nick to wake up, as I woke up before him again – surprise, surprise – I eat a few ginger biscuits. They seem to be working, although I am gradually starting to feel more nauseous after eating them than I use to be, which suggests either they’ve stopped working or my morning sickness is getting worse. 

10 minutes later, Nick begins to stir and I know he’s properly awake when he puts his hand up my shirt and starts rubbing my bump. After a few minutes, I decide to ask Nick about it.

“Nick, can I talk to you about something?”

“Yes, of course.” He says while sitting up and leaning against the headboard like me.

“Do you think we could go out and start buying maternity clothes today? Only like, a few pairs of shorts and maybe a pair of jeans if we find some nice ones. I just don't want to be in Menorca with no trousers that fit, especially with how fast the bump is growing.”

“Of course we can, and if you ever need to borrow any of my tops while we’re away you can.”

“Thank you,”

“Do you want breakfast.”

“Yes please,”

“Come on then.”

We go downstairs and Nick makes us breakfast, while I sit down at the table and rub my bump. I cannot believe it’s already been 6 weeks - more than 1 seventh of the pregnancy, provided it’s not early.

Sarah then comes downstairs, and I think this is her first time properly seeing the bump, so she gets a little excited and comes and sits next to me.

“Hello little one,” she says to the bump, “I'm your grandma and we can’t wait to meet you. How many weeks are you now Charlie?”


“Wow, you’ve got yourself a nice bump for 6 weeks. This one didn’t show until 13.” She says gesturing to Nick, making me chuckle slightly, and him blush.

Nick then brings our breakfast to the table, and we all start eating.

After breakfast, Sarah disappears somewhere, saying something about preparations for the holiday as she left, so Nick and I are left on our own. He then asks “Do you want to leave for the shops for quarter to 10 so we can be there for opening time?”

“Yes, ok. Although we’re going to have to get a bit of a move on as it’s already 9.”

“Come on then. Let’s go get dressed.”

Nick’s POV

We get to the shopping centre just before the shops open, so we decide that we’ll go to H&M as they have a really good range online – Charlie did a lot of research, trust me – so we make our way over.

We get there just after it opens, so a lot of people have already gotten in before us which takes the pressure off a little bit. As we head in, we spot a map as to where everything should be so we check where the maternity clothes are, and head over.

When we get there, we see a few people give us a few looks. Not necessarily negative ones – although a few were – more confusion, as even though both men and women have always been able to get pregnant, it’s only a fairly recent discovery about men, maybe in the last 5 years, so it still takes some people by surprise. 

We found some denim shorts that Charlie liked, so we decided to get 3 pairs of those, and then we found a nice pair of jeans which we decided to get a pair of just in case there is any bad weather.

We then go check out. We decide to use the self service to avoid any awkward conversations with the cashier, not that they should happen anyway, but just in case.

When we get home, Charlie goes into the living room, and puts on a movie for us to watch before lunch, while I take the stuff upstairs and put it away.

When I get back down, and go into the living room and find Charlie already half-asleep. I sit on the sofa next to him, and he gravitates towards me, resting his head on my shoulder, and wrapping his arms around me.

Charlie’s POV

I fell asleep shortly after we got back from the shops. I know I fell resting on Nick, but now he isn’t there. “Nick.” I call out.

He comes into the room, almost running, “What’s wrong? Are you ok?” he asks.

“Yes, I was just wondering where you were.”

“I was just making lunch, it’s already 1.”

“Ok, I’ll come in in a minute.”

With that he returns to the kitchen.

When I go in, there are 2 plates of food on the table, and Nick is sat there, waiting for me to arrive.

After lunch we go upstairs and pack our suitcases, and check them multiple times to make sure we haven’t forgotten anything.

We then just spend the evening cuddled up, enjoying as much us time as we can get before the baby comes.

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