Chapter 16: The Third Interview

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Date: Monday 15th July 2024

Charlie’s POV

It’s been a couple of days since mum got arrested and I’m still not sure how to feel about it. I can tell Nick has been trying to keep me busy so I wouldn’t think about it but it’s hard not to. And I can’t help but feel bad for Oliver, but at least he’s with Tori and Michael now.

We have been told that she’s being taken to court to determine her sentence, so we are currently waiting for her court date. We don’t know much else, as Tori and Michael haven’t been able to contact us as they’ve been busy with Oliver, but we know he’s doing well, all considering.

But I need to push all this out of my brain for today, as I have my 3rd interview which will determine whether I get the job or not. This one is at Truham, and as nervous as I am about going back, I can’t wait, and hopefully I’ll get to see some of my old teachers so that will be nice.

As I walk through the gates of Truham, a wave of emotion hits me some good, some bad. I get reminded of all the times I was happy here and had great friends and supportive teachers. But I also get reminded of the bad, the bullying, the name calling, being outed.

However, when I enter the school building something feels different. It looks the same and nothings physically changed but it feels nicer, more welcoming and happier. This instantly makes me feel better as it suggests that change and progress has happened since I was here. Obviously I'm upset that it couldn’t change while I was here, but at least the next generation will have it.

As I enter the building, as usual, the 3 deputies are stood there, waiting for me. I shake hands with all of them, and sign in. They then take me around the school like last time only the explain that things will be slightly different this time. They said that instead of meeting the students, this time I’ll meet some of the staff. They then quickly lead me into an empty classroom, where they say the staff that I’ll be meeting will be here in about 5 minutes, before they depart.

I sit alone in the classroom for a few minutes until I here a knock on the door. I assume it is a member of staff that I will be meeting so I call out “Come in!”

The door opens, and I turn around looking to see who it was. After just a glance at them, I realise who it was and leaped out of my seat and ran to hug him. “Mr Ajayi?” I exclaim.

“Charlie? I didn’t know it was you coming in.”

“Yes, it’s my last interview today.”

“How are you doing? I haven’t seen you in years.”

“I’m doing well. Nick and I are still together, and he has just got a job at the primary school, so we’re doing really well.”

“I’m glad to hear that.” Someone said from the door. We look round and see Miss Singh standing there. “Hello Charlie, how’s it going?” she says as she enters the classroom.

“I hope you’re doing well.” Another voice says. We all look round again and it’s Mr Farouk and Mr Lange.

This has got to be one of the best days ever. A few more newer teachers arrive that I don’t know, and we spend the next 20 minutes talking about my position within the school. 

When the time is up, the deputies return and all the teachers return to their classroom. The deputies then come take a seat round the table with me.

They start asking me some final questions, and clarify some things about the position. They then ask me if I would be able to start on Thursday instead of after the summer so I could understand the ropes and get to know some of the students ready for September. I obviously said yes, knowing I had nothing better to do, and they assured me that I would get paid for my time, and that this would also mean I would get paid over the summer, but I would have to look through the students files and organise a timetable on when to see each one, which I don’t have a problem with. We then said goodbye and I got told if I didn’t hear back by the end of Wednesday assume I don’t have it.

Nick’s POV

When I get home, I see Charlie fast asleep on the sofa. I also see a few empty food packets on the coffee table, suggesting that he’s had a good day, which I’m proud of him for. I take any packets and plates into the kitchen, being careful not to wake him. But he’s such a light sleeper, that I wake him anyway – which I do feel slightly guilty for. 

While I am putting the empty packets in the bin, he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me. We stay like that for a few minutes, then he let’s go and says “Turn around.” 

Being the loyal golden retriever I am I do as I’m asked. Charlie then takes my hand and places it on his stomach, where I can feel a small bump. It’s not very big, but it feels amazing. We stand there together and just be in the moment for a while. 

That is until mum comes in carrying some shopping, so I go and help her while Charlie sits down at the breakfast bar. While putting away the food mum asks Charlie “How did the interview go today?”

“It went well. Apparently there’s just me and one other candidate left, and they will let us know by Wednesday evening who got the job. They also asked if I’d be willing to start Thursday to learn the ropes, so I’d be ready to start in September, which obviously I accepted. It will also mean I get paid over the summer which will also be useful.” 

As this is the first time I’m hearing about this I smile an ‘I’m proud of you’ smile to Charlie, which he reciprocates.

He then continues “I also got to see a few of our old teachers which was nice.”

“Who did you get to see?” I ask excitedly.

“Mr Farouk, Mr Ajayi, (who by the way are still together) Miss Singh, Mr Lange, (when he found out we were still together he seemed very pleased with himself) and that was it except for a few newer teachers who I don’t know an joined after we finished.”

“I’m glad Mr Farouk and Mr Ajayi are still together, they seemed just right for each other.”

“Yes, me too. Although, it will be weird calling them by their first name if I get the job.”

“Yeah, I bet it will be. Was it weird? Going back to Truham I mean.”

“Kind of, it looks the same, but it feels different,”

“Different how?”

“Just more positive and welcoming. Which I’m glad for obviously, I just wish it was like that while we were there.”

“Yes, but, there’s a very good chance that it’s only like that because we were there. We showed the school that it was ok to be different and not fit the social norms, and maybe it got the message.”

“Yeah, I guess you could be right.”

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