Chapter 17 - Job?

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Date: Wednesday 17th July 2024

Charlie’s POV

It’s late afternoon and I still haven’t heard back from the schools. I know they said that I would know by Wednesday evening, meaning they still have a while to deliver, but I’m honestly getting really scared now.

A few minutes later, I hear Nick come through the front door. He walks through the house and when he gets to the living room, he stops at the doorway and glances in. 

When he sees me anxiously glancing at my phone he says “So I assume you haven’t heard anything yet?”

“No, not yet,” I reply.

“Well, I'm sure you’ll hear from them soon. And remember, even if you don’t hear back, we’ll be ok.”

“I know, it’s just everything will be easier if I get this job.”

“I know, but even if you don’t, there are other jobs out there.”

“I know, but this is my dream job. I may not have realised it at the start of the interviewing process, but since going round the schools, it just made me want it more.”

Nick nods, approvingly, before exiting the room to take off his shoes as he hadn’t done that yet, then comes back in and sits on the sofa with me.

He then put his hands up my shirt, and feels the bump. I allow my hands to join his, remembering all that is important. 

He then decides to lift up my shirt and give the bump a generous amount of kisses. It feels nice knowing that Nick is still willing to kiss me all over, knowing that I’ve gotten bigger. 

Once it starts to get annoying, I ask him “Can we please snuggle and watch a movie?”

“Why? Is this annoying?”

“Not at first, but after 15 minutes, yes.”

He chuckles a little after realising how long it was going for, before reaching up and grabbing the remote. He turns on the TV, and starts to choose a film for us to watch.

I then feel a need for popcorn (not sure if it’s the movie or the pregnancy) so I just get up without saying anything, and go into the kitchen to look for some.

Nick follows shortly after and asks “What are you doing?”

“Looking for popcorn.”

“Ok, can I ask why?”

“I don’t know, I just feel like I need popcorn. Do you have any anywhere?”

“Yes,” he says while opening a cupboard and getting some out.

“Thanks,” I say while taking the bag out of his hands and going back into the living room.

He follows, looking a little bit confused, but just assumes it’s a craving – which I'm pretty sure it is – and sits back down next to me.

Nick’s POV

That was a bit weird. Charlie doesn’t snack a lot, and there he is working his way through the bag of popcorn without a care in the world. I am like 99% sure it’s a pregnancy craving, but I didn’t realise popcorn could be one. Either way, it’s good that he’s eating – well done baby, is all I have to say.

About 45 minutes pass by, when Charlie’s phone starts to ring. He picks it up while I pause the movie. While he is talking to them, it feels like the longest 5 minutes of my life. When he finally finishes and puts down the phone, I ask “What happened?”

“I got it.” He says under his breath, barely audible.

“Pardon?” I say to make sure I haven’t misheard him.

“I GOT IT!” he screams while jumping onto me.

After a few minutes of us just being excited wrecks, I ask him for the details.

“I start tomorrow,” he says, “The days will be the same as on the information sheet so I will be at the primary school. It will mean I get paid for the 3 and ½ days I do before summer, and then throughout the summer. It will mean I have a little bit of work to do during the summer like going over student files, drawing up timetables – that sort of thing – but at the same time you will to as you’ll have lesson plans etc. so it means we can do our school work together just like we use to.”

We spend a little bit more time celebrating, before agreeing to continue the movie. As the movie finishes, mum calls us into the kitchen for dinner. As we enter I say “Mum, you shouldn’t have. Or you should have at least came and got me to help.”

“I know Nicky but you looked so comfortable and settled. And I heard the exciting news and wanted to give you a small treat – congratulations Charlie!”

“Thanks Sarah,” he says, as we all sit down to eat. 

We get part way through the meal, and Charlie’s phone starts to ring. We all get nervous, and worry that something has gone wrong with the job. He answers it listens for 30 seconds then puts it on speaker phone.

He then says “I’ve just put you on speaker phone, so Nick can hear as well.”

“Ok,” I hear Tori say from the phone “We have been given a court date, and I just wanted to check that you are on holiday on the 12th of August and wouldn’t be able to make it.”

“Yes, that is correct.” I say, worried that it will harm their case .

“In that case, the lawyer has said, that you’re statement will be used in court, and we will be under oath and asked if it’s true. This means that they have advised that you go to the police station, and update your statement to be as accurate and detailed as possible. They have also said that you should mention some of the abuse you suffered when you were younger, to make our case stronger. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Tori.” Charlie says, “How’s Olly doing?”

“He’s doing well, he has still gone into school most days so that’s a good sign.”

“Well make sure he’s in on Friday, as I got the job and I'm starting tomorrow, and my first day at Truham is Friday, so I might be able to see him then.”

“Ok, congrats on the job as well.”


“I’ve got to go now, but see you soon?”

“See you soon.”

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