Chapter 25 - The Menorca Museum

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Date: Monday 29th July 2024

Charlie’s POV

I wake up feeling not as bad as yesterday, but I still feel a little nauseous so I make sure I eat some ginger biscuits before moving too much. 

Nick wakes up about 20 minutes after I do, and when he does the first thing he does is check that I'm ok. We then go and have breakfast with everyone else.

After breakfast we get in the cars and drive to the Menorca museum. We spend a few hours wondering round, looking in all the rooms and at all the artefacts, before going to a small café for lunch.

As we had brought our beach stuff when we left this morning, after lunch, we went straight to the beach. Early on, Nick and I went in the sea so we could dry out before we went back to the villa.

While in the sea we spent some time talking about how it would be nice to bring our child here some day and all the things we would do and take them to see. 

After about 10 minutes of us time, Tilly, Leo and Rich join us in the sea and we play with a frisbee until I start to get tired and go back to dry land, leaving the rest of them in the sea.

When I get back to our spot, David had segregated himself away from everyone by lying on a towel at least 10 metres away, Sarah was sat on her towel watching those in the sea, with Diane next to her, lying down and sunbathing.

As I approached, Sarah laid out a towel for me to sit on next to her, and held another one in her hands, presumably for me to dry off.

As I sit down, she passes me the towel and whispers “Just to let you know, as you wear your shirt in the sea, when you got out you could sea the bump as the shirt was sticking to it,”

I must give her a panicked look as she goes on to reassure me “Don't worry, no-one saw except me – these two were busy sunbathing – but I just thought I’d let you know so you could hide it in future, but only if you want to.”

“I think I still do. I'm just so scared that if I announce it, it will jinx it and I’ll lose the baby.”

“I know, I didn’t tell many people when I was pregnant, early on, as I was scared just like you. Although my bumps were a little easier to hide as they were smaller and came through later. This may sound a little nuts, but have you thought about it possibly being twins?”

“No, not really. But, I guess I could be. I mean, the bump is quite big.”

“Just remember, don't worry too much about it as it might just be a big baby. There is no point in worrying about something that might not even be true.”

After that was said, the group from the sea were coming back so the conversation ended there. And I tried to do what Sarah said, and not worry but I couldn’t help myself.

When Nick got back, he laid his towel down next to mine and once he had laid down and got himself comfy, I rested my head on his chest, while we hugged each other.

After a few more hours on the beach, which consisted of games, sandcastles, and competitions, we decided to head back to the villa for dinner.

When we got back, everyone needed a shower as we were all covered in sand. So Nick and I went to our ensuite so we could shower. 

We decided to have a shower together, because why not, and afterwards we both changed into some comfy clothes. As I get changed, I notice how my trousers are only just about big enough to fit me, which makes me wonder (and also worry) about how long I have left before I have to start moving towards maternity clothes.

Shortly after we have our dinner, and then spend the rest of the evening playing boardgames and spending time together. It makes me hope that the rest of my life can be like this, having a good time with family and friends and all the people I love.

As I drift off to sleep that evening, I realise how lucky I am to have found Nick and how he has welcomed me into his family, so I’d always have people to fall back on when I didn’t have anyone else.

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