Chapter 43: Last Day

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A/N: Sorry it's been so long since the last chapter, I've just been busy with school and have been able to do some more hours at work, but hopefully I'll be able to do some more regular updates. I'm hoping to post on UK Wednesdays and Saturdays (This may be different in other countries) but every now and then one might be late or I might skip it (but that's a last resort). Hope you enjoy!!! (BTW it's a long one to make up for the wait)

Date: Friday 16th August 2024

Charlie’s POV

Today is our last day in Menorca, and even though I'm sad that it’s going to be over, I can’t wait to be able to go home to the peace and quiet.

As it’s our last day, we have decided to go to the beach in the morning to make the most of the time we have left, then come back to the villa to pack in the afternoon.

While waiting for Nick to wake up (and once I’ve been to the loo), I scroll through my photos from this holiday, remembering all the good times we’ve had.

About an half an hour later, Nick began to stir, so I gently stroked his hair to ease him awake. Once his eyes were open, I said “Morning.”

“Morning,” he replied, “How long have you been awake?”

“Just short of an hour.”

“You waited that long for me to wake up?”

“Of course I did. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Because … I don't know. I'm just so glad you did. It make my day, being able to see you when I wake up.”


“Yes! Of course it does. You are the most important person in the world to me – although when the baby is born you will be tied for second.”

“Well, so will you.”

After a few more minutes cuddling, we decide to get up, get dressed and go get some breakfast.

We were the last ones to arrive in the kitchen for breakfast, so we quickly made something to eat before joining everyone (except Tilly and Leo who had already made it into the pool) at the table.

Nicks POV

While eating breakfast, I ensure that I'm matching Charlie’s eating speed, so he feels like there is less pressure on him, as I want to make sure he enjoys our last day here.

Once everyone had finished their breakfast and tidied up, we were about to leave for the beach, when I noticed Charlie slip away, unnoticed by everyone else. I slowly followed him to make sure he was ok, but once he was out of sight from everyone else, he started running to our bedroom. Something had to be wrong, so I quickly followed into the bedroom. However, once I reached the bedroom, he wasn’t there, so I called out “Charlie?!”

I then heard retching sounds coming from the bathroom.

I dashed to the door, wanting to be there for him, but he had locked the door so I couldn’t get in.

I decided the best thing to do was talk to him through the door to make sure he was ok, without overacting by doing something like break down the door.

“Charlie? Are you ok, my love?” I said, which got a meek reply of “Yes, I'm fine.”

“Can you unlock the door for me?” I asked.

“I don't want you to see me like this.” He replied, sobbing slightly.

“Charlie, I don't care how you look, or what position you’re in, I just want to know that you’re ok, because I love you. I love you so, so much, and right now all I want to do is help you, no matter what. But I can’t help you properly, unless you let me in. So please unlock the door.” I say, hoping it will be enough.

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