Chapter 8: Us Day

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Date: Sunday 23rd June 2024

Nick’s POV

I wake up with my head spinning. So much has happened in these past few days, and I’m struggling to keep up. I look at the time: 6:30. No wonder Charlie still isn’t awake yet. However, there is no point me lying here for the next age waiting for him to wake up so I decide to get up and go for a run. I get changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, before writing a note for Charlie in case he wakes up and panics.

Once the note is written, I put it on his bed side table, go downstairs and exit the house, locking the front door behind me.

When I begin running it feels freeing. Almost as though it’s the first time I have been able to think for ages. I make a mental note to try and go on more morning runs as they feel really good.

I see a few other runners, while I’m out. Towards the end I see one pushing a pram, with a baby inside and begin to think how I could do that in a year as well.

Charlie’s POV

I wake up feeling cold and empty. I’m not entirely sure why, until I feel around for Nick and realise that he’s not there.

I jolt up, panicking, and reach for my phone. However, to my surprise, there is a piece of paper on it. I quickly realise that it’s from Nick so I read it through and learn that he has gone on a run – which I’m glad. He’s been very stressed out these past few days, so I’m hoping this gives him the break he needs.

Once I know that he’s safe, I begin my normal morning routine (shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, sort my hair out), before heading downstairs and making myself some breakfast.

It’s kind of nice doing something for myself for a change, considering how little Nick has allowed me to do these past few days. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very sweet and nice of him and he only does it because he cares, but it’s just nice to still do somethings while I still can, because there will be a point where I can’t do things and will be reliant on others, and I don’t want him to exhaust himself out for no reason before I get to that point so he's too tired to help.

When I am part way through breakfast, I hear the front door open. I automatically assume that it’s Nick so a shout from the kitchen “Morning,”

He then replies with a “Morning,” while walking into the kitchen. We have a quick conversation about the basics (how we are, etc.) then Nick goes upstairs to have a shower and get changed before coming downstairs, getting himself some breakfast and joining me at the table.

“What do you want to do today?” he asks.

“Not a lot, I just want a day were we have a break from everything going on lately (aka the baby)”

“That’s ok. I think I want that as well. It just feels like all we’ve been doing lately has something to do with the baby and I would just like a break from it before we can’t due to it completely changing our life. Why don’t we have an us day, where we do nothing but be with each other.”

“And watch movies.” I say.

“Yes, wasn’t that implied?”

“It was but I had to be sure.”

Nicks POV

The rest of the day consisted of watching films, eating snacks, making out, discussing the jobs, and just having a good time.

I am very proud of Charlie for the amount he has eaten today, although I don’t bring it up as that will just be awkward and I don’t need him to not eat for the rest of the week.

By 22:00 we are cuddling in bed in comfortable silence until Charlie says “Thank you for today. I needed it.”

“It’s ok, I definitely needed it as well. And I want to make the most of it being just us before the baby comes.”

“I know what you mean, as much as I can’t wait to meet them, I am also going to miss it just being the 2 of us.”

“Just remember, even when the baby’s born you’ll still be my top priority, although there will only be a fine line between you and second.”

“Just checking that second is the baby, right?”

“Yes, it couldn’t not be.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

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