Chapter 3 - The Application Form

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Date: Sunday 16th June 2024

Charlie’s POV

I wake up in Nicks arms. He is already awake and is scrolling through social media on his phone, barely moving so not to wake me. To let him know that I’m awake I murmur “Morning.”

He looks up from his phone and smiles when he sees me awake. He replies “Morning. Do you want any breakfast?”

I look at him sternly before saying “I have literally just woken up, in fact I am still half asleep and you think that I want breakfast?”

“Sorry.” He says. I burst out laughing from the stupidity of it all.

“I was just messing with you, you big idiot. And yes I want breakfast, but not right now – in a bit.”

“Ok,” he replies, “I’m going to have a shower, I’ll be back soon.”

When he get back from the shower and starts to get dressed, I decide I will get up and get dressed as well.

Once we are both dressed, we go downstairs and make breakfast. I prepare myself a piece of toast and Nick prepares himself a bowl of cereal. We then go to the table, where Sarah is just finishing off her breakfast, and sit down.

“Have you been to see your parents yet, Charlie?” she asks.

“No, not yet,” I reply, “But I am going round tomorrow night for dinner.”

I see the confusion on Nicks face as I haven’t told him yet, but I just didn’t want him to worry. He shouldn’t have to worry, as all I’m doing is seeing my parents. But I know he’ll worry.

“What about today, have you got any plans for today?” she asks as we start eating.

“Yes, we have to fill out my application for school counsellor at the Truham and Higgs schools, then we have to go deliver them,” I reply.

“Ok, maybe when you deliver the application you can take Nellie and Henry with you?”

“Yes, that sounds nice.” I say

When we have all finished our breakfast, Sarah goes upstairs, and Nick gets the application form from off the counter and sits back down.

He asks “Are you sure that you want to do this?”


“Ok, here is the form.”

We fill out the form 3 times (one for each school) and overall it takes about 45 minutes, so by the time we’re done it’s 11:00. Nick then says that he has some school work to get done, so he goes upstairs to do it and I go into the living room to watch a film, as we had already decided that we would post it that afternoon.

Nicks POV

I come down the stairs and head into the living room after completing my school work and see Charlie asleep on the sofa. As I get closer I realise I must have been too loud as he had started to stir. After a few more minutes he slowly opens his eyes.

“Hey,” I say.


“Do you want any lunch?” I ask as he slowly starts to sit up.

“Yes, can I just have half a sandwich though, I’m not very hungry.”

“Yes that’s fine, I’ll go make it now.”

I head into the kitchen and begin to make our lunch. Once it’s ready I bring it into the living room, and hand Charlie his plate.

“Thanks,” he says.

“No problem.” I then sit down on the sofa next to him and begin to eat.

A while later (around 14:00), we decided to go post the applications so we both got up and got ready. We put on some shoes and put leads on the dogs, then we head out.

As we start walking, I ask “So, you’re going to see your parents tomorrow?”

“Yes.” He responds. Then silence.

“Will you come with me? I don’t want to go alone.”

“Of course, but why didn’t you tell me about it?”

“I just didn’t want you to worry about me seeing my mum after what you found out about Olly, and I was scared that if I asked you to go with me, then you’d feel like I was a burden on you, and I don’t want that.”

“Charlie, you will never be a burden on me, ok?” I say, only he doesn’t respond, he only looks down at the ground essentially ignoring me. “How about I promise to tell you if I find you’re a burden on me?”

He looks up and stares at me gently. “Fine, but you have to be honest.”

“Ok, I promise.” We slowly embrace in a quick kiss.

“Now, how about we go post these applications, they won’t post themselves.”

He gives a small chuckle, before we continue walking, hand in hand.

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