Chapter 39: Cavalleria Lighthouse

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Date: Monday 12th August 2024

Nick’s POV

Today is Jane court date, and from the moment I see Charlie, I know that it’s going to be a difficult day.

“How are you feeling?” I ask.

“Ok-ish, it’s just today is going to be a long day, as Tori said she wont call me until about 9.”

“I know, but I think you just need to keep yourself busy, to take your mind off things and before you know it 9pm will come.”

He nods to this before getting up, going to the toilet, then coming back to get dressed, at which point I get up and get dressed as well.

Once dressed, we go into the kitchen for breakfast, and after the living room to watch a film before we have to go.

We all agreed to go to the Cavalleria Lighthouse this evening, rather than during the day, as it’s supposed to be nice to watch the sun set. This means that today is kind of going to be in reverse. We’re going to the beach this morning, pool in the afternoon, then lighthouse tonight.

While on the way to the beach, I catch Charlie staring, peacefully, out the window, with the sun light catching his face in such a beautiful way that I took a photo of him without him noticing. I want to be able to look back on these moments, where there is peace and serenity, as something tells me there wont be masses of that not too far away from now.

When we arrive, instead of going in the sea like normal, I take Charlie on our walk straight away instead. While on the walk I say “You looked really deep in thought yet peaceful in the car.”

“Did I?”

“Yeah, but it was nice to see you like that.”

“It felt nice to feel like that, but I guess today is the first time in years I feel safe and know I’ll feel safe forever. As mum shouldn’t be able to come near any of us for a while, and I have you.”

“You will always have me – no matter what.”

We then slowly made our way back, as lunch time was coming shortly, and I could tell Charlie and the baby, not only needed, but wanted food.

Later on in the afternoon, we went back to the villa to shower and get cleaned up, so we’d be ready for later. A few people then went in the pool (kind of defeating the point of the showers everyone just had) but today I stayed poolside, knowing today would be a day that Charlie needed me. Or at least needed to know I was there with him. prioritising him over anyone or anything else.

By the time 6pm came round and we needed to leave, we had eaten our dinners and was waiting by the front door, for everyone to hurry up.

Once we finally managed to get everyone in the car, we were off, to soon see a magical sunset.

When we got there we still had a couple of hours before the sunset, so we spent some time looking round the lighthouse and its surrounding buildings (which was essentially a museum) until it was time to make our way to the cave, supposedly the best place to see the sunset.

The cave was a bit of a walk away, but it was nice, as it was away from the busy world, and was a place of calmness and being at one with nature.

As we watched the sunset from our area in the cave, I held onto Charlie, just as he did to me, proving that the sun might go away, but we most certainly will not.

We arrived back to the villa at 8:57 – only a few minutes before Tori said she would call, so as soon as we got there, Charlie went straight to our bedroom shutting the door behind him, so he had privacy for the phone call.

We had previously agreed that I would wait in the living room, as he had expressed that he wanted to hear it on his own, but he was to message me once the phone call was over so I could go be the supportive boyfriend I am, so I went and sat anxiously in the living room, waiting for Charlie to message me.

Mum made me a cup of tea, to try and comfort me and it sort of worked, but it was still a hard wait. She had made one for Charlie to, so once I finally got the message from Charlie, telling me to come in I took it in with me, unsure what position I’d find him in.

When I looked into the room, he was sat in the middle of the bed, phone in hand, with a blank facial expressing, clearly trying to process what he had just heard.

I quickly, but calmly, placed the cups of tea on the bedside table, before getting on the bed and sitting next to him, when he then rested his head on my shoulder.

He then suddenly said “She’s been sentenced to 30 months imprisonment, from the day of her arrest, meaning her release date will be the 13th January 2027. She will also have to pay all of Olivers legal fees, the restaurant for any damage caused, and myself, Ollie and Tori compensation for all the damage she’s caused.”

“What?” I say confused, “You got compensation? I’m not saying you shouldn’t have it or anything, but I didn’t realise the lawyer was so good.”

“Yeah, I think they knew mum would have to pay the legal fees, so they knew they could get a good one without having to worry about money. Anyway, I got £500, so it’s not masses but will definitely help considering we’ve got a baby on the way.”

“Yeah. Do you think you’ll tell your mum about the baby?”

“I’ve been thinking about that a lot recently, and I’ve decided that I’ll send her I copy of the first ultrasound once it’s done, and a picture of the baby once its born and leave it at that. I wont write anything on the pictures, not even their birthday, but she can have the pictures, but only because they’ll kind of act as an ‘I told you so’ in the sense that I am able to live happily, and have a family, despite what she’s done to me over the years.”

“I think that sounds like a great plan. But remember, you can change your mind.”

“I know, and I might yet, but at least I have a plan that I don't have to worry about for now.”

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