Chapter Two

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Finally Reaping Day has arrived.

I go downstairs and only see my mother, passed out on the table. When she hears my light footsteps, her head pops up.

"Where's my father?" I dare to ask.

She scoffs. "He left for good. Never comin' back."

"Oh." Is all I manage to say. I eat another one of those crackers.

"I have something for ya. Figured you've grown outta that grey dress." She tells me.

She's not wrong. I've always been small for my age but the dress I've been wearing since I was twelve is two times too small and the color has since faded away.

She hobbles out of the room and comes back a minute later with the most beautiful black dress I've ever seen.

I gasp softly. "Oh! It's beautiful!" I exclaim.

"Take it. It used to be my Reapin' dress but I figured you'd 'preciate it more." She hands me it.

I accept it. It looks so out of place in my dirty hands. This dress could belong to someone in the rich neighborhood where Cato lives.

I go upstairs and change into it. The sleeves fall over my shoulders delicately. The dress is fitted so it's around my waist without any looseness showing. The skirt of it goes down to just under my knees. I apply some more foundation on the spots where the dress can't hide.

I wear my long wavy chocolate hair down. I dig out a pearl necklace from my broken dresser and put it around my neck.

For the first time I feel pretty.

I go back downstairs and see my mother looking at me.

"You look good." She stands up. "I'm not much of a hugger, but I wish you luck, Clove." She wraps her arms around me for the first time. This is a totally new sensation. The only people who have hugged me were Everest and Cato. And that was only a few times.

I find myself hugging her back. She pulls away.

"I'll see you after." She gives me what I think is a smile.

I leave without saying anything. Maybe I have misunderstood my own mother all these years.

I walk along with the crowd to the town square. Peacekeepers are on every street making sure everyone gets to the Justice Building.

I stand in a line to sign in. A Peacekeeper pricks my finger and makes me place the blood on a paper. She scans it to make sure it's mine.

"Go ahead." I walk over to all the sixteen year olds. Most of them are chattering excitedly but I don't socialize with them.

Moments later our Capitol escort, Maia, walks onstage in her crazy outfit. This year its a tiger theme. White skin, orange wig, orange lips, orange eyes, orange and black striped dress with matching shoes and nails.

"Welcome everyone!" She says in her stupid Capitol accent. "Now before we start we have a very special message brought to you straight from the Capitol."

The video starts playing. At this point I've memorized the whole thing. It's the same propaganda shit they use every year.

"War, terrible war." Starts the President's voice.

The video leads on to talk about the thirteen Districts who rebelled against the Capitol because they weren't being treated correctly. But the Capitol won. Still, they gave us freedom.

With a price.

Every year the twelve remaining Districts would have to offer up a male and female to go compete in a fight to the death until one final tribute remains. Then they are bathed in riches and fame from the Capitol and get
to live happily ever after.

Once that finishes Maia walks back to the microphone.

"The time has come to pick our tributes! As usual, ladies first." She walks over to the girls' reaping ball and picks a slip of paper.

"Evlynn Romara." She says.

I stumble forward and yell I volunteer but my voice is drowned out by another's. I turn around to see an eighteen year old girl behind me glaring at me. Not just any eighteen year old, but Villia.

"Oh no you don't you little scum." She growls.

I don't even waste my breath on her. I pounce on top of her and whip out my hidden knife. I repetitively stab her. Crimson red liquid spills all over the cobblestone ground. She tries to fight back but I've weakened her too much. We're both screaming terrible nasty things at each other. I twist the knife in her repaying her for everything she's ever done. She screams in pain until a Peacekeeper pulls me off her and a medic pulls her away.

I stand up and wipe my blood soaked hands on my dress.

"Well I guess fate has decided.." Maia trails off.

I step on the stage eagerly before anyone can volunteer for me.

"What's your name?" Maia asks me.

"Clove Kentwell." I say confidently.

"Everyone give a round of applause for Clove Kentwell!" She says in her cheery voice.

A round of applause goes off from the crowd.

"Now for the boys." She walks over to the boys' reaping ball.

She fishes around for a piece of paper. Finally she grabs one. She walks back over to the microphone.

"Daryll Mc-" She gets cut off by a familiar voice.

"I volunteer!" I look up and see the blonde haired boy making his way to the stage.

ok so this is re-written! currently when this was published (/2/1/24/) the third chapter hadn't been published. so it might not make sense/be as detailed or serious. anyway have a great day luv

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