Chapter Twenty-Six

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We make it home.

As soon as we reach the doors, Avitus shoves me up against the wall. I wait for him to tear off my clothes, already knowing the drill. If he does exactly what I expect him to do, everything will go according to plan.

As I predicted, he starts to unzip it. I reach for the hidden knife and pull it out of its strap. I wrap my arms around him and when he doesn't expect it, I stab him in the back. He screams in pain. I twist the knife over and over and rip it out of his back. He crumbles to the floor and wails in pain. I throw it swiftly into his heart, ending his life. I push the corpse against the wall and go upstairs to collect my things. I grab the photo, Cato's sweaters, and my clothes. I put some on and run down the steps leaving the house.

I don't look back.

Before I go back to Enobaria's, I have one more job to do. I walk in the direction of my old house. I lay my things on the porch and then pull out my bloody knife. It shines in the moonlight. I quietly open the door and tip toe up the steps. I slip into my father's room and see him fast asleep. I climb on top of him and slowly press the tip of my knife into his chest. Once he stops breathing, I cover him with the dirty blanket. I quietly leave the room and go downstairs. My mother stands at the end of the steps.

"Mom?" I say.

"Why are ya here?" She sees the knife in my hand and puts two and two together. "Oh."

"I'm sorry mother." I say ashamed.

"Ya did the right thing girl." She says. "I'm leavin' the District and I don't think I'll see ya again. I hope everythin' goes well for ya."

"Thank you. Goodbye mother." I tell her and leave.

sorry for such a short chapter :(

i will make it up to you in the next one!! also the next chapter is the last one before the epilogue:)

tysm to everyone who read this story! i love all you guys <3

have a great day/night :)

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