Chapter Eight

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I wanted to say that these games are going to go diffrently!! so if something doesnt match up with the book it was most likely intentional. expect some major plot twists!

Sixty seconds.

That's all the time we have to get familiar with our surroundings, before the gong sounds and we're free to move off our platforms. I look around. Trees on my left, a lake on my right, and a meadow with who-knows-what behind the Cornucopia. Inside the Cornucopia there is a lot of weapons. Spears, daggers, knives, throwing knives, axes, one single bow and arrow, and swords. Lots of swords. I can practically see Cato drooling.

There are also backpacks with food and supplies. Funny, I don't remember Brutus and Enobaria talking about what to get and what to avoid in the Cornucopia. And now the fate of our lives are in their hands.

I look up and see the timer has reached ten seconds. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Boom.

The gong sounds and we all go running off our platforms. Some weaklings run in the opposite direction, which is smart but ridiculous at the same time. A majority of everyone goes for the Cornucopia, though. I grab the throwing knives and whip around to see some kid almost slice me in half. I throw a knife and him and continue fighting. I look around. Everyone seems busy with someone. I dart my eyes to the left and see the boy from Seven on Katniss' tail. Oh no you don't. She's my kill.

I run over and throw a knife in his back. He falls on top of Fire Girl and she has to push him off. I throw another knife at her but she uses the pack she collected to protect herself, like a shield. Damn it. Not only did I miss but I also gave her a free knife.

I go back to the main situation. The Bloodbath. It's almost over actually. Most of the kids had either run off or got killed. Cato stabbed his last target, Marvel was wiping off his spears. And Glimmer was sorting through stuff.

There are so many dead bodies on the ground. The smell of thick hot blood seeping from the ground makes me nauseous.

I go over to Cato, "Should we clear out? Let the Capitol get the bodies and then come back?"

"Yeah sure." He replies. He goes over to everyone else and tells them we're going hunting.

While we are walking through the forest, Marvel begins to question Cato's authority.

"Who put you in charge?" Marvel asks, annoyed.

Cato rolls his eyes, "Well are you older than me?"

"I'm eighteen." Marvel says.

"What month?" Cato starts getting infuriated.


Cato smirks. "August."

That shuts up Marvel for a bit.

Dusk was setting in and we still haven't found anyone. I sit down on a stump.

"Well, we're not finding anyone, we might as well head back." I say.

"No we gotta keep looking." Cato replies.

"I agree." Glimmer says.

"Shut up blondie." I shoot her a look.

She rolls her eyes, which seems to be her favorite thing to do.

Finally Cato agrees to go back to the Cornucopia. But Marvel spots smoke coming from the distance. We all started laughing and running towards the fire. The girl was asleep when we arrived. We purposely make loud noises to wake her.

"No! Please don't kill me! Please!" She begs once she realizes what's happening.

Cato drew is sword. It reflects in the light of the fire. He stabs her as she screams.

We all laugh and don't bother to put out the fire. Deep down inside it feels wrong, but I can't let that show.

An hour later we get back to the Cornucopia. The nation anthem starts playing and we all look up to see the Capitol seal. Faces of the fallen tributes appeared in the sky.

"I counted thirteen." I say as soon as it ends.

"Thirteen down, ten to go." Cato sighs.

I lie down on the ground with my pack as a pillow. I don't bother getting a sleeping bag, it isn't cold.

I turn over and watch what my allies are doing. Marvel is eating some dried up fruit. Cato and Glimmer are flirting with eachother. Glimmer. Always going for the boys. For some reason I feel a foreign type of anger bubbling in my
stomach. Jealousy.

Don't be ridiculous, Clove. I tell myself.

I turn away from the two and look up at the starry sky. My eyelids start to feel like rocks. I yawn one last time and fall asleep.

I wake up to birds chirping. I sit up and look around. I only see Marvel.

"Hey where's Cato and Glimmer?" I call out to him.

"They went into the forest." He shrugs. "They were giggling a lot." He adds.

I made a disgusted face. Cato? Giggling? That's as messed up as whatever the hell they're doing.

When they finally come back I see Cato has a hickey. I feel a pang of jealousy again. Why am I feeling jealous? I'm not even supposed to like him anymore.

I need to do something. Other than be around the bitch. Even though it's obvious she only likes Cato for his looks and body. That thought makes me cringe.

"I'm going hunting." I announce to no one in particular.

"Want me to come?" Cato asks.

"No, I don't need a bodyguard." That came out harsher than I meant for it to sound.

He shrugs."Catch something good."

I gather my things and head into the trees. I'm not sure if I should hunt for tributes or for food. We have plenty of both. Plus hunting people alone can be very dangerous. Especially if I ran into Thresh.

I open my water bottle to find it empty. I had forgotten to fill it up. I sit down and lean back on a tree to rest. How long have I been walking for? Not very long. I'm confused why I feel so tired.

I decide to sit here and wait for an unfortunate animal to come be my dinner. Finally after what seems like hours, a rabbit came wandering by. Silently, I threw a knife at it. It dies instantly.

I pick it up and start heading back. I heard someone call my name.

"Clove!" Cato yells.

I run up to him. "What?"

"I thought you were in trouble." He says, clearly concerned.

"If I was really in trouble my cannon would have gone off." I snap at him.

"I'm sorry, I was just worried." He's getting annoyed, too.

"Whatever." I trudge back to our camp.
sorry it was a boring chapter but the next one will be interesting trust me 😭

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