Chapter Eleven

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"It's just me, you, Finch, Cato, Marvel, Thresh and Peeta." I said to Katniss.

"Seven left." Katniss sighs. "Home is so close."

"Yeah." Is all I say. We both know one of us have to die in the end.

"I know this is none of my business, but um, do you.. do you hate Cato now?" She asks.

"Yes." I say without hesitation. Whatever feelings I had for him have vanished since the Games started.

Katniss nods. "I wonder how Peeta's holding up. Surprised he's survived this long." She says changing the subject.

"I know." I reply. I grab a root from Rue's pack and munch on it.

"It's starting to get late. I'm going to sleep. Mind if you take first watch?" Katniss asks.

"Not at all." I grumble. I sit myself at the edge of our small camp. The only thing I'm thinking of right now is the blonde hair and blue eyed boy who I used to consider as my best friend. Why he is on my thoughts? I'm not sure.

Three hours later I woke up Katniss.

"I'll wake you up in a few hours." She says.

"Alright." I reply.

I lay down in my sleeping bag and fall asleep instantly.

Suddenly I hear a branch snap. I sit straight up. Thresh is standing right in front of me. I grab my knife.

"Ready to die?" He asks me.

"Not yet actually." I reply, chuckling slightly.

He laughs. Shivers run down my spine.

He pulls out what seems to be a sword. He lunges forward and gets my arm. I jump to the side before any real damage can be done. Where the fuck is Katniss? I throw my knife into his thigh. He roars in agony. He tries to get my stomach but he's slowed down by his leg. I try throwing my knife but it lodges itself in the tree behind him. I step back but trip on something and stumble. Thresh advances towards me and draws his sword. This is it. I think. This is the end. Suddenly, through the dark, I can see a weird expression go over Thresh's face. He falls on his knees and then onto his face.

That's when I notice the arrow.

Katniss climbs down the tree.

"You owe me for saving your ass." She says as his cannon goes off.

"Thanks." I reply.

We cleared out of there for a few minutes.

When we got back Thresh's corpse was gone, and everything seemed back to normal.

"I'm going back to sleep." I say.

"But your wound." Katniss protests.

"It'll heal itself." I roll my eyes and go into the sleeping bag.

When I awake it's broad daylight. My arm is throbbing and still bleeding. I sit up and yawn. I open my pack and grab a pack of dried fruit. I've eatnen this stuff so much that I'm pretty much sick of it. But food is food in the Games, I can't be ungrateful. Also since I'm definitely not getting any sponsors for leaving the Careers.

A voice booms from above us, startling the both of us. Me and Katniss both look up. "Greetings, Tributes! Congratulations on making it to the top six!" Cladius Templesmith booms. "We have some exciting news for you all, there will be a Feast tomorrow in the morning at the Cornucopia. But this is not any ordinary Feast. You'll understand when you get your pack. Be there before sunrise." Then his voice disappears with the seal of the Capitol lingering in the sky.

"We going or not?" I ask Katniss.

"Why not?" She replies.

We pack everything we think we'd need for it. Weapons, food, supplies. Everything else was hidden in a tree near our camp. The day seemed to drag on. Finally, we headed out to the Cornucopia.

"Should we hide inside?" I ask.

"Good idea." Katniss says.

We sit in there for the rest of the night. It gets really cold the closer we get to midnight. I swear the Gamemakers are cranking down the temperature every night. I huddle up against the metal wall. Everytime I almost drift off to sleep I get startled awake. Finally I decide not to sleep and instead to watch for other Tributes. I sit close to the mouth of the Cornucopia. Katniss and I made a plan. Get the packs. Get out.

The sky finally starts to get blue. I move back into the Cornucopia again. I wait for the table. Suddenly I hear footsteps and panting. Suddenly Finch runs into the Cornucopia. It's too dark for her to see us but I can see her perfectly. I stay still silently wishing Katniss doesn't wake up.

Finch sits down and waits for the table to appear. I'm debating whether I should reveal myself or just throw a knife in her back. Finally I quietly get up. I jump on top of her and pull out my knife.

"Bet you didn't expect me here." I say in an arrogant tone.

She's obviously in fear but is too smart to scream. I hear her breath quicken.

"It's time for you to leave this earth, Foxface." That's the first nickname I could think of.

"So be it." She says simply.

I take my knife and stab her in the heart. Not too long later her cannon goes off. I put her corpse at the edge of the Cornucopia. I don't think the hovercraft can get her from there. It should also be a warning for other Tributes to stay away.

Katniss wakes up. "Anything happen?" She asks.

"Finch." I say.

"Alright." She replies.

"Peeta next?" I ask. I regret my words instantly.

She shoots me a dirty look. "I'm not killing him."

"Sorry." I mutter.

Suddenly, a mechanical whirring noise behind me. The table with the our "feast" on it appeared.

Katniss and I got into postion. As soon as the table made it fully on the ground we ran for our bag. I grabs the 2 hoping it was the right one. Katniss grabs hers and we run towards the trees.

I stopped at the edge of the tree line to look back. The rest of the Tributes are running into the battlefield.

"Let's go." Katniss says. We both run off towards our base.

Katniss skins a rabbit while I sharpen my knives.

Just then, Cladius Templesmith's voice is broadcasted again.

"Greetings Tributes! Congratulations on top five! There has been a slight.. rule change. Considering the odds for four of you, the Gamemakers have decided that two Tributes may win.. if they originate from the same District." He says. A buzz of static plays and the announcement is over.

Katniss and I look at eachother. "Guess this is goodbye." I say.

She looks sad. "Let's split everything evenly and go our opposite ways."

It takes a few minutes to equally divide everything.

"Goodbye, Katniss." I say.

"Goodbye, Clove." She replies.

We both turn around and walk our seperate directions.

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