Chapter Fifteen

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*One month later*

I'm in the Training Center, teaching a ten year old kid how to handle a sword. He's using a blade about half the size of a normal one and still struggling. I don't understand how though, because I've always been a natural with swords.

Helping the kids has kept my mind off my problems. Things like the arena and Clove.

About an hour later, I let him go home.

"I'll see you on Monday. Don't forget to practice." I say.

"Okay." He walks off.

I head back to Victor's Village. When I get inside I look for a beer. I move around the glass bottles and cigarette wrappers on the floor.

I open the fridge and see a bottle of white liquor. I pick it up and take a big gulp. I go to my couch a collapse on it. I take another sip and then light a random cigarette lying around.

I know Clove would hate to see me like this, but when I'm drunk I start to forget the nightmares from the arena.

Soon enough, I'm losing control of myself. I'm starting to feel very warm inside. Memories of summer evenings and spending time with Clove flood my head.

A little after, the alcohol knocks me out.

When I wake up my head is throbbing. I have just enough time to turn over before bile comes out of my mouth. I wipe it off with my shirt.

My throat is dry and burning. I head up the steps and and rinse my mouth in the bathroom sink.

I notice my dirty shirt in the mirror. I take it off and throw it in the bathtub. I go to my room and try to find a new one. I find out that pretty much all my clothes are dirty.

I've never actually used a laundry machine before. I go to the basement to find my machine. I throw my clothes inside it and press a button. A tray pops out. I assume that's where the soap goes. I pick up a container with liquid soap. I pour it in and close the tray. The machine starts itself.

Pretty simple, actually.

I go back upstairs and notice for the first time it's two thirty-six in the morning.

I lay back down on the couch and re-light my cigarette.

When I wake up it's already the afternoon.

I find a black hoodie lying on the ground and put it on.

I go over to my kitchen and see if there's anything to eat. As I suspected, I find nothing.

I head outside and find myself walking into a bar.

I sit at one of the stools right up at the counter.

"What can I get for ya?" The bartender asks.

"Uh.." I didn't think about it. "Honestly, surprise me. It can be the strongest thing you have."

"You're still young, I don't think you could handle it." She says.

"Belive me, I could." I mumble.

She walks off to go make it.

I sit with my hands in my head just thinking about everything. Again.

She comes back. "Here you go, honey."

"Thanks." I accept the glass gratefully.

I take a sip out of it. Tears came to my eyes. It stung pretty bad. But for some reason, it was also addictive. I drink out of it more and more until the glass is empty.

"Can I get a refill." I ask.

"Sure thing." She goes to grab me another glass.

I drink this one twice as fast. I'm already starting to feel a little woozy.

"Could I get some more?" I ask.

She looks at me. "That's too much."

"Please?" I plead.

I guess she feels bad for me and gives in. Maybe she knows that I'm dealing with stuff as a Victor.

"Last one." She warns. She slides the glass in front of me. I drink it all.

I grab a couple bills a put it on the counter. I get up and head outside. Surprisingly, I'm still sober. My phone rings when I get home. I move around the huge mess and answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"It's Enobaria. There's something we need to tell you Cato." She says.

"Alright, I'll be there in five minutes." I hang up.

I get to her house in no time. I knock on the door and Brutus answers.

"Come on in." He says.

I find Enobaria sitting on her couch. I take a seat on the opposite one. Brutus sits down beside her.

"Alright, so there's no easy way to put this. So lets just get straight to the point." Brutus says.

"Okay." I reply.

Enobaria looks me straight in the eyes.

"Cato. Clove is alive."
okay so this was a filler chapter :(
but um i had to show that he's an offical addict *sob*

anywayrs i think u probably guessed clove was aliveee

also this took like forever to write so if u wanna pls vote and comment smtn. like even if its about chicken cus idrc comment anything.

anyway lys <33

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