Chapter Nine

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I don't share my rabbit when I get back.

I start a small fire and cook it. Honestly I have no idea what I'm doing. I hope I don't get sick eating it. While I'm cooking, Glimmer approaches me.

"Hey." She sits down.

"What do you want." I ask sharply.

"I want to apologize." She says, brushing off my unfriendly tone.

I scoff. "For what?"

She drops to a whisper. "I know you like Cato."

"No I don't." I roll my eyes. Yes you do. A small part of me tells myself. Shut up. I tell it.

"It's sort of obvious." She continues.

"Okay, first, I don't like him. Second, why are you even talking to me?" I ask.

"I just want us to be on each others good side." She replies.

Me and Glimmer? Friends? That's not going to work.

"You can't make friends in the arena, we're going to kill eachother at some point." I state the obvious.

"You're right, can we just not be enemies?" She asks, hopefully.

"Alright, I'll think about it." I agree.

I get up and go over to the lake to get some water. I grabbed my water purification drops and carefully squeezed in five. Marvel comes up to me.

"What were you talking about with Glimmer?" He sits down next to me.

"She wanted to be friends or something." I tell him.

He scoffs. "You and Glimmer? Friends."

I laugh for the first time in the arena, "That was my exact reaction." I look behind me and see Cato eyeing me jealousy. Fuck off, I mouth.

I drank my water. "You think I should get on her good side?" I ask.

"No drama would be nice." He jokes.

"Shut up." I slap his arm playfully. "Alright, I'll try to be nicer."

"Pass me some more dried beef." I tell Glimmer.

"What's the magic word?" She teases.

I roll my eyes. "Please."

"Sure." She tosses me the pack. I guess I could say this 'friendship' thing is working.

"I'll take first watch." Marvel volunteers.

"Alright, wake me up when your tired." I say. No one objects.

I set up my up sleeping bag and lay down. I try to fall asleep but for some reason I can't. I toss and turn. Finally I decide to stay still and breathe slowly.

I feel myself start to drift off when I hear someone breathing behind. I stay completely still. I hear them pull out a knife. My breath starts to quicken.

"Goodbye Clove." Glimmer says almost sweetly.

Oh shit.

I grab my hidden knife, turn over, and bury it in her thigh. She screams in agony.

"Trying to stab me in the back?" I yell. I don't care if anyone catches us. I twist the knife out in her leg which causes her to scream louder. Why didn't Marvel see any of this? I look over and see him in deep sleep.

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