Chapter Ten

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"I can be in charge of hunting." Katniss volunteers.

"Great, I suck at that." I say.

It's the week after we helped kill Glimmer. Katniss agreed to ally with us once she had woken up from the coma the jackers gave her.

"Clove you hunt Tributes. And if you have the time, spy on your old allies." She says. I nod.

She is in charge at this point because she's the oldest. By a year though.

"I'll collect roots and stuff." Rue says. That's pretty much what she's the best at.

"Let's meet back here before dinner." I suggest.

"Okay." They both agree. We quickly divide everything evenly.

"Alright see you." Katniss says. We all go our opposite ways.

Silently, I start searching for Tributes.
*Rue's POV*

I gather a lot of roots. Hopefully enough for around a week. I doubt I'll survive that long, but I have the two best allies I could wish for.

I hum a little tune while picking katniss roots. The mockingjay's around me start singing along. I almost forgot how fun it was to sing to them. I stuff all the roots into my pack and start heading to a diffrent spot for more.

*Katniss' POV*

Hunting for food wasn't too difficult. I managed to shoot three rabbits and two squirrels. I'm about to start walking back when I hear a rustling in the bush next to me. I turn around and see a baby deer standing very still. Are the odds in my favor today? I wonder. I wish Gale was here. He would help me.

I lift my bow slowly and carefully. I'm practically not breathing right now. I let the arrow fire. It gets the deer right in it's eye. The deer falls over but is still alive. I put a knife in it for good measure.

How do I carry this thing? It may be little but it's most likely heavy. I try lifting it. I can carry it for a little of the way. But I'll have to take rests. That's too risky in the Games.

Oh well. It is what it is.

*Rue's POV*

I decide to go spy on the Careers. Clove either won't have the time or guts. I think time. I go back to our meeting spot and leave my pack full of things there. I climb a tree and go from one to the other towards the Careers' camp.

I find a thick bush to hide behind. I will be able to see them but they can't see me. I watch Cato and Marvel clean off their weapons.

Then I see Marvel get up and point exactly in my direction. Cato laughs and gets up. The grab there things and start running towards me. Whatever they're coming for doesn't matter, because even if they don't see me, they will soon.

I get up and start running fast. I look around at the trees surrounding me. The first branches are all over ten feet. I was so busy looking up that I tripped over a stupid stump. I land of my face. Ouch. I hear feet on the ground. I push myself up with my hands. Rolling myself over I look up to see two faces looking down at me. The feeling of fear runs through my whole body.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Marvel asks.

I say nothing but look up at them in fear.

"Would you like to do the honors?" Cato asks Marvel.

"Of course." He smiles evily. He positions his shiny spear to my stomach.

"Katniss! Clove!" I scream.

"Rue!" I hear someone call.

I see the look of realization register on Cato's face. He opens his mouth to tell Marvel to stop.

Not before the spear reaches me, though.

*Clove's POV*

"Katniss! Clove!" I hear in the distance. I freeze when I recognize Rue's voice.

"Rue!" I yell. I can detect the fear in my voice.

I start sprinting towards her. I hear a bloodcurdling scream in the same direction. Rue. I think. I'm still running, as if there was some way to save her. I hear a cannon go off as I just reach her.

Katniss is already there.

"No! Rue!" I fall to my knees and take her hand. I hold back my tears as I look at Katniss. "Is- is she dead." I almost don't want to know the answer.

"We heard the cannon." Katniss says gravely.

I look back down on the innocent girl who had no intention for anything but just to go home.

I wipe a tear from my eye and grab her pack. "Might as well go, there's nothing left for us here anyway." I say quietly.

Katniss nods. She gives Rue one last kiss on the forhead before leaving her.

"Wait." Katniss turns around. She grabs wildflowers and starts putting them on Rue. On her hair, around her, making her hold them as a bouquet.

She walks back to me. "There."

We walk away. "As a rebellion. Right?" I ask.

She gives me a small nod.

One thing for sure is that I am holding Marvel and Cato accountable forever.

And I will get my revenge.
Rest in peace, Rue 💔

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