Chapter Six

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I wake up. There are a few things that are odd. Someones breath is going down the back of my neck. The gold lining isn't there, instead is a deep red. And the bed sheets are diffrent. Now that I think of it this is not even my room. I turn over and see Cato sleeping next to me.

I am in Cato's bed.

I sit up. What the hell am I doing here? I try to remember. Everything seems like a blur.

Now I remember.

Last night we snuck out to a party. We ended up kissing in a garden. He was drunk.

Somehow I managed to get a drunk Cato back into the Tribute Tower without any of the Peacekeepers seeing us.

As soon as we made it to our floor and in his washroom, he started throwing up into the toilet. I managed to get his fancy suit out of the way and pull his floppy blonde hair out of his face.

After a few minutes he was done. He leant against the wall and closed his eyes. I got him out of there and somehow was able to get him out of his fancy clothes and into a robe before he passed out.

I tucked him into his bed and cleaned up the mess. I neatly folded his suit and put it in his closet for him. Then I sat down on his bed and make sure he's not sick or anything.

The last thing I remember was yawning and lying down next to him.

I sneak out of his room before he wakes up. I really hope he remembers absolutely nothing about last night.

When I get to the dining room, breakfast is already served. I take some of the oatmeal and toppings for it. I eat in silence until I hear Cato's door open. I look at him and can immediately tell by the look on his face he remembers everything.


I pretend to not remember anything.

"Good morning." I say casually.

"Morning." He responds in the same tone. He obviously has a hangover.

The elevator makes a noise and Brutus and Enobaria walked in.

Thank God for Brutus and Enobaria. I

*Cato's POV*

I walk out of my room feeling like shit.

I see Clove and we make eye contact for a moment. She knows I remember everything. I screwed up bad. Who kisses their "best friend?"

Worst of all, she was kissing me back.

Just then the elevator bell goes off and Brutus and Enobaria walked in.

Thank God for Brutus and Enobaria. I think immediately.

*Cloves POV*

"Good morning." Enobaria says.

"As you know, it's the day before the Hunger Games. Interview night. So we're going to be training you for the interviews. Maia will start with Clove on how to act like a lady, while she does that, I will be working on Cato's angle, how you will act on stage. When Maia finishes with Clove, she will help you, Cato, and Enobaria will help come up with Clove's angle." Brutus explains.

I nod.

"So hurry and eat your breakfast." Enobaria says.

I quickly eat my oats. I wipe my mouth with a napkin, "Alright I'm ready." I say.

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