Chapter Twenty-Two

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The next morning I turn over to face Cato, but notice the bed is empty. I sit up and go downstairs. I see him holding his head in his hand looking stressed.

"Hey, everything alright?" I ask concerned.

He looks up and smiles, "Yeah everything's fine."

"If you say so." I give him a kiss on the head and go to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I get some bread and go back to the table.

"Clove?" Cato says.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Remember back in the dark days? When there was a rebellion."

I nod. "Yeah."

"Well, they Districts are planning on starting a new one and they want me to come fight." He says.

"You're not going right?" I ask him.

"I'm deciding." He says.

"Are you crazy?! The answer is no. What of you die?!" I cry.

"I just decided, I'm going." He snaps.

"You can't!" I say angrily.

"Well I am." He says in the same tone.

"Fuck it. I don't care anymore." I say angrily and stand up. "Go die if you want to!"

"I hope you do." He says without thinking.

I stare at him and see the regret in his eyes. "Wait! I didn't mean it!" He says as I storm out of the house.

I go into the woods where the treehouse is.

I lay down in the tree house and start staring up at the sky. Tears fall down my face as I remember all of Cato and I's memories. I don't know why I even think about the asshole.

Because you still love him, idiot. A small voice in the back of my brain says.

And it's true. I still love him after what he said.

It has been almost a week of sleeping in the forest, when I finally choose to seek Enobaria's help. I knock on her door. She opens it.

"Clove?" She says.

"Hey, uhm, do you have an extra place I can stay for a few days?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course, Clove. Is everything alright with Cato?" Enobaria lets me inside.

"We got into a fight." I explain.

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." I say.

"Take anything you want in the fridge, I'm getting groceries tomorrow." Enobaria says.

"Alright." I go to the kitchen and find peanut butter and sliced bread. I made some sandwiches and devoured them quickly.

"Clove." Enobaria calls.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"You should check on Cato. See how he's doing." She says.

"Are you serious?" I ask stepping into the living room. 

"Yes. He may regret those words to you. Boys are to stupid to be the first ones to come." Enobaria tells me.

I consider it. "Fine."

I tie on my shoelaces. I open the door and run down the street to his house. The huge mansion looked cold and empty. I knock on the door. No answer. I ring the doorbell. No answer. I start getting worried. Finally I decide to push open the door, and to my surprise it was unlocked. Cautiously, I step in.

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