Chapter Seventeen

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*Cato's POV*

Days turn into weeks. Weeks into months. Months into years.

It's been almost five months since I found out Clove was alive and being tortured. Enobaria tells me she has some friends who can help us.

But it's been months and these friends haven't helped.

I find myself walking to Enobaria's house. I knock on her door. She answers it.

"What is it?" She snaps.

"I'm not waiting for your friends anymore. I'm going to the Capitol and getting Clove." I say.

She laughs. "And how are you going to get there exactly?"

"I have my ways." I reply.

"I have a better way." She says.

"Tell me then."

"Well. I can get some Peacekeeper friends to loan uniforms, and if we're lucky, a truck. And we disguise ourselves into the Capitol." She explains.

"And you only tell me this now? Clove is dying there and you wait four months!" I yell.

"Listen boy, if you want to get to the Capitol the easy way don't yell at me!" She snaps.

"Fine." I mumble.

"I'm going to make a few calls so goodbye." She shuts the door on me.

I turn around and go back to my house. I move around the mess of piled up bottles on my living room floor. I go upstairs into my room. It smells less like alcohol up here. I lie down on my bed and think about my Clover.

Slowly I fall asleep.

I wake to the phone ringing. I get up and run down to the kitchen. I answer it.

"Hello?" I say.

"We found Peacekeeping uniforms for us. And we got loaned a truck. We have a week to return it. Get ready to go to the Capitol." Enobaria tells me.

"Really? That's great!" I reply. "Thank you, Enobaria."

"You're welcome. Now get your ass over here for your uniform." She hangs up.

I run to her house and knock on the door. She answers and lets me in. We walk to the living room.

Some strangers and Brutus were sitting on the couches.

"Cato this is Graham, Fin and Lory." She points to them.

Graham is a man that looks like he's in his fifties. He has gray that match his eyes. Fin is younger, maybe in his twenties. He resembles Graham slightly but blue eyes and dark brown hair. Almost like Clove's.

Lory is a real beauty. She looks about my age. She has long luscious blonde locks, piercing blue eyes. Almost a spitting image of Glimmer, but prettier and shorter.

I find myself checking her out.

Stop it Cato. I tell myself. You like Clove.

"Guys, this is Cato." Enobaria says.

"Here." Lory says. She tosses me my Peacekeeper uniform.

"Thanks." I grin.

"Okay so here's the plan. We all get in our uniforms and ride out in the truck. We shouldn't be asked any questions at the gate. If we are we'll say we're driving out Peacekeepers to diffrent Districts. Once we're out we'll get to the Capitol. When we're there we'll have to find out where this torture facility is. Then we'll break in and get Clove out of there." Brutus tells us. "Any questions?"

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