Chapter Thirteen

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*Cato's POV*

I wake up in a white room. I'm lying down on a bed. I have a thin nightgown on. Nothing makes sense until I realize I survived the Games.

I wonder if Clove's okay.

I sit up and see my outfit from the arena on a chair in front of me.

Do they seriously want me to put that shit back on?

I throw it on and walk out into the hallway. I hear voices in another room. I wander down until I see a door with a sign that says do not enter.

I open the door.

Brutus, Enobaria, and Maia are all standing there. They all look at me.

"Oh look at him! Our little Victor!" Maia walks over to me and gives me a hug.

"Where's Clove?" I ask.

Brutus and Enobaria share a look. "I think we should talk." Enobaria says.

Maia leaves the room.

Enobaria takes a deep breath. "Okay, so the Capitol wasn't very happy about the stunt you two pulled but they had to keep one of you alive. They had to have their Victor. So they picked you because it was Clove's idea to commit suicide."

I can feel the blood drain from my face. "Clove is d-dead?" I ask.

"Yes." Brutus says.

"We're so sorry, we tried to do everything we could." Enobaria explains.

Just then my stupid stylist Zaya walks in.

"Oh lovely to see you Cato! It's time for you to get ready for the interview!" She whisks me out of the room.

"We'll talk more later." Enobaria mouths.

She brings me to my old apartment. It seems so empty. We go into my room and she calls the prep team in. They first tell me to shower. Once I'm out of the shower they cut my hair and restyle it. They clean my nails and scrub my face with this weird soap. Once they're finished with me Zaya comes back in with a suit for me to try on.

It fits perfectly and it looks like the one Clove bought me.

Clove. My best friend who's now dead.

I shove those thoughts to the back of my head. I have an interview to deal with. Zaya gives me black shoes and then we go downstairs.

There's a limousine outside waiting for me. Brutus, Enobaria and Maia are already inside it.

We get to City Circle in no time. We're all taken backstage. Caeser Flickerman starts introducing himself and gets the audience warmed up and ready for the show.

First Brutus and Enobaria go on the stage. Everyone cheers for them. Maia is next. Then my stylist and prep team. Finally it's my turn to go on. I rise up from the pedestal under the stage. I half expect to end up in the arena again, but I'm currently on a stage with all of Panem watching. I make my way over to the seat next to Caeser.

"Hello Cato!" Caeser greets me.

"Hi Caeser!" I grin.

"How are you today?" He asks.

"I'm doing pretty great." I say. I decide to be laid back and not too arrogant.

"That's great. And how does it feel to be a Victor?" He asks as we take a seat.

"Knowing I beat twenty-three other deadly kids makes me feel pretty good. Well most of them weren't deadly at all." The audience laughs.

The interview goes pretty smoothly until Caeser asks about Clove. Inwardly I'm panicking, trying to think of a response.

"She was my best friend my whole life." I say sadly. "I really miss her."

The whole audience starts tearing up like a bunch of idiots.

"That's too bad. I hope she's watching you from heaven and is really proud." Caeser says.

"Thank you." I reply.

"Well, we'll see you tomorrow!" He turns to the audience. "Don't forget to tune in to find out more about our newest Victor!" There is a round of applause as I leave the stage.

I'm taken back to the apartment for dinner. After a bit they let me go sleep. I have another long day tomorrow.

The first thing I do is cry about my Clover.
okr that was shorter than usual but it'll make sense in the next chapter babes.

anyway dont forget to vote and not murder me over cloves death

tys <3

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