Chapter Eighteen

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We have been driving the whole day. It was hot and sweaty in the truck. Thankfully, the sun is setting, so things have been cooler.

Getting out of the District wasn't very hard. The Peacekeepers at the gates actually believed us. When we had passed through everyone sighed in relief.

"Are we stopping soon?" Fin asks Enobaria.

"Let's get off the main road and camp out for the night." Brutus suggests.

"Okay." She pulls turns into a dirt road and drives down for a bit. Finally, the truck is forced to stop.

She turns off the engine and unlocks the doors. We all pile out.

The sun has almost fully set at this point. I grab a sleeping bag and toss it to Lory. I grab myself one and walk over to where she's putting hers.

"Why are you so obsessed with me?" She asks.

"You're the only person my age." I reply.

"Fin's twenty." She says.

"And I'm nineteen. I'm assuming you are too." I say.

"Nice try. Eighteen." She replies.

"Pretty attractive for eighteen." I flirt.

"Shut up." She avoids my gaze. I swear she's blushing.

"Why can't you look me in the eye?" I ask.

"B-because." She stutters.

I lift her chin to make her look at me.

"Why?" I persist.

"Because I like you Cato Hadley! It's stupid okay. And here we are going on a little adventure to rescue your girlfriend." She pushes my hand away and starts to stand up.

"Wait!" I grab her hand, "She's my best friend! Not my girlfriend." I say quickly.

She looks back at me and sits down. "So it would be okay if I kissed you right now?"

"Yes." I grin. I grab her face in my hands and crash my lips into hers.

She runs her hands through my hair and I feel her smile.

I break apart from her for a minute to take a deep breath. I try to kiss her again but she stops me.

"We need to sleep. Goodnight Cato Hadley." She gives me one last kiss.

"Goodnight Lory.." I trail off.

"Lory Reàs." She says.

"Goodnight Lory Reàs." I smile.

The sun wakes me up in the morning.

I sit up and rub my eyes. Everyone was already packing up. I throw on my Peacekeeper jacket and roll up my sleeping bag. I put it in the truck and climb into the back. Lory climbs in next to me.

"Good morning pretty." I give her a kiss.

She smiles and blushes.

Enobaria turns on the truck and slowly backs out of our previous campsite.

We drive for hours until the Capitol buildings are visible in the distance. Not much later we enter the gates to the candy city. We find a parking lot and stop there for a minute.

Brutus turns around to us. "We need to locate where Clove is. Thankfully, they don't take out the Victors trackers, so that's helped Graham break into their system and look for her." I shiver at the idea that they could see me wherever I am.

"It would make more sense if it were deeper in Capitol. Let's go further in." Enobaria suggests.

"I'm with Enobaria." Fin says.

"Me too." I agree.

"Alright, let's go." Brutus says.

As we drive, I notice how rich the Capitol really is. During my first visit here, I never took notice over how many cars there were. In Two, cars are a luxury not many of us can afford. Even being one of the wealthiest Districts.

After a little while I start peeking over at Graham's device.

Suddenly he bursts out. "I've found her!"

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