Chapter Twenty-Four

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*TW: suicide attempt*

*Two months later*

Avitus comes in with a plate of food. He sets it down on the floor and unchains one of my hands so I can eat. He leaves the room. Instead of eating, I try to untangle my other hand. Slowly, I work on it. I hear Avitus coming back so I stop.

"You haven't been eaten your food recently." He says.

"I'm not hungry anymore." I reply.

"That's alright." He pulls down his pants.

After he finishes up with me he tells me it's almost time for the wedding and he will go get my dress now. I feel hungry but he took away my food. I try to release my hands from the chain. I give up after awhile and take a nap.

When I wake up there is an ugly-white-that-faded-into-yellow dress that I assume I'm wearing during the wedding.

I think about Cato. I wonder if he knows I'm getting married. I wonder if he knows how scared I am. I wonder if he knows how much I miss him.

For the first time I start thinking about why Brutus or Enobaria haven't looked for me.

Avitus comes in. "Finally you're awake." He snaps.

"Sorry." I gulp. "When is the wedding?" I ask changing the subject.

He relaxes. "Tomorrow."

I start getting anxious. "Sounds good." I say weakly.

"My sisters will come and take you to there house and get you ready. They will be here soon." He says and leaves.

I lay back down and stare at the ceiling until I hear someone knock on the door. I hear Avitus open the door.

"Where's the girl?" A woman asks.

"Let me get her." Avitus says.

He comes and unchains me. I throw on some clean clothes and follow him down. I see two women standing at the door. They look something like Avitus. They are clearly rich too. When one of them sees me she makes a sympathetic face.

"Avitus she's so young!" The other woman exclaims.

"Her father sold her to me." He explains.


"We'll take it from here." The first lady said. "Come here dear."

I follow them to their car and get in. If you have a car in Two, you are considered very rich. We don't talk until we reach one of the rich neighborhoods. We pull up to one of the mansion's. They take me inside, up a flight of stairs, and into a powder room with a big vanity. I sit down on the stool.

"I'm Vaneesa and this is my sister Paula." One of the ladies smile.

"Hi. I'm, uh, Clove." I say.

They stare at me. "From the Games?"

"Yeah.. I survived but no one knows." I explain. "Maybe when the rebellion is over people can find out."

They both nod. "Are you happy with Avitus?" Vaneesa asks.

His name sends shivers down my spine. "I wish I wouldn't marry him."

Paula nods in understandment. "I'm sorry sweetie. I wish there was something we could do."

I nod understandingly.

They get me all clean and give me cozy pajamas. I'm shown to a room that's twice the size of my house. I lay down in the soft bed and find it hard to sleep. I'm too nervous to sleep but I'm also exhausted.

I sit up and start pacing back and forth. Tomorrow I'm getting married. Forced to stay with Avitus forever. Just laying around for him to use me as a sex toy. I need to put an end to this. I can't marry him. What did Cato say before I left? I hope you die.

Maybe he is right.

Maybe it is time to put an end to this life..

This is what everyone wants. President Snow already has my funeral planned out. Nobody would care if I died. They already think I'm gone.

I reach for my hidden knife only to remember it is at Avitus's house. Where's the damn kitchen? After I roam around for a bit I find it. I noiselessly look through the drawers until I find a large one that would do the job. I sit down on the cold tiled floor and start cutting into my skin. Soon enough red spills all over the floor. Like red blood on white snow. Every cut was repayment for everything I have done. The innocent children I murdered in the Arena. For fighting with Cato. For not following Snow's orders.

My head suddenly feels very light and I fall over, banging it on the floor. It sends a shock of pain but I barely feel it. Slowly, I feel myself slipping away.

Finally, rest at last.


i never expected my story to get this far and i love each and every one of you who followed Clove's story:)


i just wanted to leave a cliffhanger lol.

i hope you all have a great day, ilysm.

bye <33

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