Chapter Fourteen

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"Remember, act the same way as you did yesterday and don't think of anything except what Caeser is asking you." Brutus instructs.

"Okay. Where's Enobaria?" I ask.

"Uh.. she's doing something else." He looks like he's hiding something.

"What though?" I persist.

"Nothing." He snaps.

"Jeez. Okay." I roll my eyes.

Enobaria comes back a few minutes later. She pulls Brutus out of the room to talk. I go to the door and try to listen.

"..alive..torture..secret." What?

"How..escape..try?" Brutus's muffled voice says.

"I don't know." Enobaria says.

Brutus's voice gets nearer. "We'll figure it out. I gotta get back to Cato." I quickly run back to my seat and sit down.

He opens the door and comes back.

"Alright, it's late so we can call it a day. Remember, wake up early, your interview is at twelve."

I nod and go to my room. Instead of thinking about Clove, I'm thinking about what Brutus and Enobaria were talking about. I'm trying to fill in the blanks of what I didn't hear them say.

Finally I fall asleep.

The next morning I take a shower. Once I'm dressed my prep team comes in. They're happy that I showered before they came, apparently that saved them tons of time. They do the same thing as yesterday. Then Zaya comes in with my suit. Its pure black with a white shirt and a red tie. In the lapel there's a red rose. She sprays some rose scented colone on me.

"Alright! You're all ready." She tells me.

"Thanks." I say.

Maia takes me to the elevator. There's another limo waiting for me. We go to a building. They take me up another elevator and into a small studio. Caeser is already there sitting on the small couch. He greets me with a handshake.

"Nice to see you again Cato!" He says.

"You too Caeser." I reply.

"This interview will be similar to the other one except no live audience. It's going to be about half an hour but it will seem to fly by." He explains.

I nod. "Okay."

The cameraman starts the countdown.

The cameras start rolling and Caeser gets into charecter. "Welcome! We're here today with our newest Victor, Cato Hadley!"

"Thank you Caeser!" I say.

"How are you today?" He asks.

"Pretty good. I'm sad this is my last day in the Capitol. But I will be back in a little bit for the Victory Tour." I reply.

"Ah yes! Almost forgot about the tour." He laughs.

"So Cato I think we're all wondering about Clove." Caeser says.

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