Chapter Twelve

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I set out to find Cato. I decide this will be an easy task. I'm still not forgiving him for Rue's death, but I will tolerate him to survive.

I hear growling noises in the distance which concerns me slightly. I grip my knife. I continue trudging forward. A little while later I hear footsteps. I stay still and whip out my knife. Marvel comes crashing through the bushes. He barely notices me. I pounce on top of him and start stabbing him.

"This is for Rue!" I scream at him.

He stares at me with fear in his eyes before I lodge the knife in his heart, causing the cannon to go off.

Instead of feeling satisfied, I feel sick to my stomach. I just ended a life.

I am running.

Fast and hard.

Growls and barks and coming from behind. The huge dogs are trying to eat me.

Not just any huge dogs. Mutts. The Capitol's favorite way to use a deadly weapon for the finale.

My only chance to survive is the Cornucopia.

The mutts behind me are waiting to feast on my flesh. The Cornucopia appears in sight. Just a little longer.

I run faster than I ever have in my life. Even faster than when I did track and field.

Finally, I reach the shiny silver structure. I jump as high as I possibly could. I get some sort of grip but instantly slip.

The mutts are gaining on me. I suddenly have a stupid and rash idea. As soon as the first blonde mutt reaches me, I jump on it's head. That gives me just enough hight to get on top of the Cornucopia. The mutts are so taken aback that they move back for a minute.

I collapse in the Cornucopia. I have about a moment of silence before I hear more mutts coming.

I look over my shoulder and see Cato sprinting for the Cornucopia. Katniss and Peeta are close behind him. Even from here I could tell Peeta was staggering from a leg injury. I guess they were having some sort of battle before the mutts showed up.

I get a grip on one of my larger knives and catch my breath.

I focus on Peeta. Nothing in this world could make me kill Katniss or Cato.

I move to the tail of the structure, out of the way for everyone. Killing Peeta right now we put me in a bad situation. I'm hoping Katniss and Cato will kill eachother off so I can get Peeta.

And not sure whether Cato would want to ally with me since I betrayed him..

The three make it to the Cornucopia. They all jump up as the mutts reach the metal. Cato collapses on the metal surface. He's hyperventilating. I have to resist the urge to make sure he's okay.

Cato says something inaudible.

"What'd he say?" Peeta asks.

"Can they climb it." Katniss replies.

"No." I say.

Everyone looks at me, just realizing I'm sitting here.

Katniss grabs her bow. I get a better grip on my knife.

My eyes flicker to the side to see Cato getting up. Katniss looks behind her shoulder as soon as Cato swings his sword. She ducks quickly.

She gets up and aims her arrow at him. Peeta grabs his knife and starts advancing towards me. I aim my knife to throw at him. Suddenly Katniss screams. I whip my head to the side. Cato holds her in a headlock. Peeta uses this as an opportunity to grab me. He puts one arm around me and uses his other to grab my wrist. His hand squeezes my wrist which makes me drop my knife.

"Let go of her or I'll throw Katniss to the mutts." Cato says.

"I don't think I will." Peeta smirks.

Cato pushes Katniss closer to the edge.

"Don't." Peeta warns.

Katniss is struggling, trying to pull Cato's arm away from her neck. Its useless, though.

"Let go of her." Cato repeats.

"No." He tightens his grip around me.

Without warning Cato pushes Katniss off the Cornucopia. I stomp on Peeta's foot hard. He drops me accidentally. I grab my knife and stab him in the stomach. I screams in pain. I stab him over and over until his cannon goes off. I push him off into the pool of mutts waiting for him at the bottom.

I look at Cato, trying to read his expression. He lowers his sword and I drop my knife. That's when I know everything is okay. I run over to him and give him the biggest hug.

"We won." He whispers.

I look up at him. "We did."

We get down from the Cornucopia and wait for the trumpets to play. After a minute of silence I start getting worried.

"Hey! What's going on?" I yell at the sky.

Claudius Templesmith's voice booms over us. "The previous rule of two Tributes allowed to win has been.. revoked. Closer examination to the rule book states that only one Tribute may be allowed to win." His voice goes out in static.

How could I have been so stupid? Of course it was a trick. The Gamemakers would never agree to letting two Tributes win.

I pull out one of my knives and hand it to Cato.

He looks confused. "What's this for?"

"Kill me." I say bluntly.

"What? Are you crazy? I would never do that!" He drops the knife.

"You heard them. Only one person can win. I want you to go home. There's nothing left for me." I explain.

"Clover, there's nothing left at home for me either. You should go home." He says.

Then I get an idea. As stupid idea. One that will mess up everything.

I whisper something into his ear. Surprisingly he agrees.

He picks up the knife I gave him. I take another one out of my vest.

"On the count of three?" I ask.

He nods.

"One." I say. I take one last look around. "Two. Three."

"Goodbye Cato." I say.

"Goodbye Clove." He replies.

We both stab ourselves in our stomachs.

For a moment everything goes quiet. Then I hear a cannon.

Everything fades into black.

also it will all work out so dont um, yk, murder me.

btw tysmm for 100 reads. ily guysers

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