Chapter Twenty-One

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*Clove's POV*

Cato and I sleeping together becomes a regular thing.

He comforts me whenever I have a nightmare over something. And I admit, it is nice to have him around.

My therapist starts making me come in weekly. I still don't talk to him, so he prescribes pills that I throw out when I get home.

One Thursday afternoon I get a surprise visit. Everest.

"Hey Ev." I say as I open the door. "How did you know I was at Cato's house?"

She looks like she's holding back tears. "It's obvious."

"Here come in." She follows me inside as I shut the door behind her.

"Is everything alright?" I ask.

She sits down on the couch.

She takes a shaky breath. "My dad got a.. promotion to the Capitol. So we're moving there and I don't think I'm coming back."

"Oh Ev! That's terrible! I'm going to miss you so fucking much." I give her a hug.

She wipes a tear. "Me too."

"You know, I don't really see you cry. Maybe you are getting Capitolized." I say. That gets a laugh out of her.

"I promise I won't though." She tells me.

"Alright. I'm holding you to that." I joke.

"Well, I should get going. My parents need help with packing." She says.

I give her one last hug. "Make sure to call."

"I will." And she's gone.

I lie down in bed thinking over everything. Cato climbs in and turns off the lamp.

Suddenly, something occurs to me. "Cato." I say and turn over.

"What's up?" He asks.

"I was just thinking about the last night before the Games. When we were on the balcony. When we said we loved each other, was that true?" I ask quietly.

"I never stopped loving you." Is the response.

Suddenly, as if a magnetic force was pulling me to him, I placed my lips on top of his. I run my hands through his messy, but soft hair. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me back. A burning sensation runs through me which makes me crave for more. Cato doesn't disappoint, though.

Slowly, I pull myself back up.

"Bedtime." I smile.

He lets out a disappointed sigh. "Alright."

I carefully rest my head on his chest. He puts his strong arms around me. Those arms, that can kill anyone with one twist of their neck, resting so gently on me.

I fall into a deep sleep and for once don't get any nightmares.

The next morning I decide to pay my mother a visit. I doubt she knows I'm even alive. I also doubt my father is there.

I take the long walk to the poorer side of town. I grip my knife as I get there. There are many old men here willing to rape you in the middle of the street. No matter who you are.

I arrive at the small rundown house. I go up the tiny porch to knock on the door. When my fist collides with it, the door swings open.

Cautiously, I step inside. I move around broken bottles and old cigarettes.

"Mom?" I call out.

Surprisingly I get a response. "Clove? Is that you?" She comes hobbling in.

"Yes mom, it's me." I assure her.

"Wait let me get your father." She says. She slowly goes up the steps. Minutes later she returns with him.

The sight of him sends shivers down my spine. I remember what he did to me before the Reaping. By just looking at him I can tell he's drunk. So is my mother.

"Clove is that you?" He slurs.

I take a step back. "Yeah it's me."

"Killed that Hadley boy. Huh?" He asks.

"No father.. I'm dating him now." I regret those words as soon as I say them. His face turns red and he advances towards me.

"That boy is nothing but trouble. You will not date him! Mark my words." He sneers.

Tears form in my eyes. "But I love him father."

That was too much. He pounces on top of me, making me fall over on the glass shards scattered on the floor, and starts beating me. I try to fight back but I can't. I'm just too weak against him. He finds a rope and tries to tie it around my wrists. When that fails he tries my neck. And succeeds. He instantly cuts off my oxygen. I find myself chocking for air. I try to yank off the rope with my hands but fail. My vision starts getting spotted and my I feel myself slipping away.

My father roughly takes off the rope and slaps my face. I gasp for air. He starts pulling off my clothes. I scream and claw at his face. I'm only in my pants and bra when I'm able to escape his grip. I run out of the house. I run and run until I can't anymore. I find myself at the District Two fence. I climb it and continue running until I reach the treehouse. The only safe haven to me now.

I wrap my arms around my legs and cry into my knees. I realize hyperventilating. My neck, head, and hands are in unbearable pain. I scream until I'm hoarse.

I feel a familiar pair of hands wrap around my waist. I look up through my tears and see a concerned looking Cato.

"Clove what happened- oh my God your neck!" He looks shocked.

"Is it really that bad?" I wipe my nose with my arm.

"Clove what happened? Who did this to you? Where are your clothes" He demands.

"My-my father." I sob. "He hurt me and then tried to rape me while he was drunk."

"Oh God Clove." He pulls off his hoodie and puts it on me and wraps his arms around my body comfortingly.

"Oh my God Cato, I could have died." I cry.

"Shh Clove. You're safe now." He says.

"H-he said I can't see you anymore." I stutter.

"It's okay, he can't control you anymore." Cato tells me.

I nod and calm down.

"Come on, let's go home." Cato says softly. He wraps his arm around me and walks me back to his house.

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