Chapter Twenty-Five

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I open my eyes slowly.

My head, arms, and neck hurts. In fact, everywhere does.

I try to focus on my surroundings. I see white fluorescent light that hurts my eyes. Is this heaven? No, heaven doesn't look like this. I feel I have been here before. Except it was more fancy. Is this hospital? Yes, that makes sense. My attempt most likely failed.

"She's awake." I hear a muffled voice say.

Nurse's rush to surround me. "It's her." I hear some of then whisper. Do they know that I'm the supposedly dead Clove Kentwell?

"Can you hear us?" One of them asks. It sounds less muffled this time.

I nod. "Are you Clove Kentwell?" She asks.

I nod again.

They start doing tests on me and scribble meaningless words onto a clipboard. They tell me how it's a good thing I survived my attempt, but they say it's a bad thing to do. I look at my bandaged up arm and see a tube running through it.

"That's helping keep you alive." A nurse tells me.

So if I pulled it out, would I die?

They leave me to rest, which is when I put my plan into action. I get a hold of the tube and try to yank it out, but the nurses' must have seen this coming, so it didn't come out.

Soon enough morphling seeps throught the tube making me relax and go to sleep.

*Enobaria's POV*

"What do you mean she's in the hospital?!" I yell at the nurse over the phone. "What?! Suicide attempt?!"

What has Clove gotten herself into?

She goes missing for two months and ends up being in the hospital after a failed attempt to kill herself.

"Yes, I am on my way. Thank you. Goodbye." I hang up the phone.

"So what's wrong?" Brutus asks from behind me.

"They found Clove. And she's in the hospital." I sigh.

"What?! Why?" He asks.

"She tried to kill herself." I tell him.

"We need to get to there before the President locates her." He says.

We get into his car and speed to the hospital. When we arrive, we get directed to her room. Clove lays on a bed, asleep, looking as pale as a ghost.

"She will wake soon." The nurse informs us.

I nod. "Thank you."

Brutus and I take a seat across from her bed and wait.

"Brutus? Enobaria?" I hear Clove's voice say.

"Clove!" I rush to her bed. "What were thinking?!" I cried.

"Bad move kid." Brutus says from behind me.

"Shut up Brutus, this is serious." I turn back to Clove. "Explain yourself."

Some tears roll down her face. "My father s-sold me to Avitus Fabius, and forced me to marry him. In fact, today is out wedding day. Anyway, I thought the only way out was to kill myself. I mean, Snow has my funeral planned." She wipes her eyes. "And Cato said he hopes I die."

I instantly feel bad for her. She's been through so much, too much for someone her age. "I'm so sorry Clove."

"I was full filling everyones wish." She says quietly.

Then I think of something. I lean down and whisper a few words into her ear.

She hesitates but eventually agrees.

"Here." I pass her the small, metal knife.

"We need to get going, but goodluck Clove." Brutus says.

"Bye. Thank you for visiting." She says.

"Bye Clove."

*Clove's POV*

Brutus and Enobaria leave the room. I stare at the knife in my hand. After a few minutes I hide it under my gowns. The doors opens and my old therapist walks. I let out an audible groan.

"Hey Clove. Miss me?" He asks me.

"Not one bit." I mumble.

"I see you're doing better." He says.

I scoff. "If I was doing better we both wouldn't be here. Look where we are now."

"Fair point." He takes a seat. "Clove, what lead you to attempt to kill yourself? Depression? Anxiety? Stress?"

"No. Everyone wants me to die." I reply bluntly.

"I see." He writes something in his notebook.

"I don't feel like talking today, can we reschedule?" I ask.

He thinks about it. "You do need rest.. why not? I'll see you on Monday."

"Sounds good." I say. He leaves the room.

As soon as I'm alone, I follow Enobaria's instructions. I rip the cord out of my IV and stand up. I sneak out of the hospital room. Unfortunately, since my clothes are missing, it will be hard to blend in with the crowd. I make it down to the first floor. Silently, I slip through a back exit and run out of the hospital grounds. I run until I reach Avitus's house. I frantically go up the steps to my old room. I grab the dress and put it on hurriedly. I find some makeup and put it on my face, over my scars, and try to hide my IV. I can't rip it out because the needle thats inside it will make my arm bleed. I brush out my hair very quickly and put on the fake pearl necklace. I slip on my shoes and leave the house. I go to the Justice Building, where the wedding is being held. Fortunately, I make it just in time.

"Clove? There you are!" I hear Vaneesa's voice say from behind me.

I turn around. "Is it time?"

"Yes but where were you?" She asks.

"I'll tell you later." I promise.

She nods. The organ starts to play a song, and I take it as my cue to walk inside. The doors swing open and I see the devil himself standing on the other side waiting for me. I fake a smile and walk slowly down the aisle. When I make it to the other side, Avitus takes my hands and waits to say his vows.

The music stops and the priest starts speaking. "Avitus, do you take Clove for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do." He says.

"Clove, do you take Avitus for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do." I say, feeling nauseous.

"I now prenounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." The priest says.

Avitus places his slimy lips on mine and it takes all my willpower to not shove him off.

We walk back down the aisle, on our way to his house.

Instead of a nightmare waiting for me, an evil surprise is coming for him.
it's like 1 am and i just got the urge to write lols.

anyway, the story is nearing the end!! im soooo excited for yall to see how this ends. and im really excited to write the next chapter. i think it will be up tonight if i dont pass out from being tired lol.

anyway dont forget to vote<3

have a great day/night :)

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