Chapter Four

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That night I have a dream.

I stand in a sandy arena. There was a battle going on between the guy from 11 and Cato. They were both fighting with swords. The whole thing is a gorey mess. At some point he was able to stab Cato through his stomach. Cato fell to the ground and District 11 ran away. I ran over to Cato and sob.

"No! Please don't go! You're my best friend!" I say. I wrap my arms around him and cry into his hair.

"Clove, it's okay, stay strong." He touches my face and stares into my eyes.

"No! Come back please. I- I love you." I confess.

I heard a cannon go off and I know it is too

The next morning I hear someone knocking on my door, saying one hour until training, in a the Capitol accent that drives me insane. I go into my bathroom to wash my face. The bruise is finally fading away. Luckily I find a bottle of foundation in my shade.

I run to the dining room and see breakfast is ready. No one is here, though.

I grab eggs, bacon, toast and sausage and eat in silence. A few minutes later Cato's door opens.

"Good morning." I say.

"Morning." He looks at me. I suddenly remember the dream from the previous night and glace away to keep from blushing. I continue to eat my food. I hear the elevator go off and the doors open. Brutus and Enobaria walk in.

"Nice to see you two up, training in half an hour, so eat your breakfast quickly." Enobaria says.

"Remember, show off as much as you can, intimidate your rivals." Brutus instructs.

I nod. I scrape up the last of my food and quickly go wash up. Ten o'clock arrives, and so does Training. We go to the elevator with Maia. It is a pretty quiet ride.

"Remember what your mentors said." Maia tells us.

"Okay." I say.

Cato nods.

The elevator bell goes off and the doors open. We both step into the gym. There were weapons everywhere, targets to aim at and higher up in a closed-off box with a glass window was all the Gamemakers. I guess they're going to watch us train. The other Tributes were in a tense circle. We join them and wait for a few others. A couple minutes later they arrive. The head trainer, whose name is Atala, starts explaining all the rules. Don't fight with the other Tributes, it's not recommended to do something that will get you injured.

After she finishes her list she let us go train.

I, of course go straight to the throwing knives. I threw them all perfectly, and impressed some of the Tributes that have no idea what they're doing.

I make sure to try other things, like climbing, learning to start a fire, even though its not that Career hot spot and I already know how, I need to refresh my memory.

I look around for a moment and take a note of all the Tributes for once. Most of them were average hight, but you can tell they've never been properly fed their entire lives. I do feel a little bad..

At lunchtime, we all go to the dining room and get served some food. And for Capitol food, I have to say this didn't look very appealing. I sat down at a random table and waited for the others to come. The girl from District 1 joins me first.

"Hi I'm Glimmer!" She says. She sits down across from me. Her bubbly personality is getting on my nerves. She seems so plastic and fake. I don't think I'm going to like her very much.

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