Chapter Seven

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I lie down in my bed. I stare at the ceiling for awhile. Then I realized I'm not going to fall asleep. Ever. I kept worrying over what the arena would be like. Cold? Hot, What torture have they come up with for us? Who knows, I could be dead in less than twenty-four hours.

I just need fresh air.

I go on the balcony and sit at the edge. Through the glass railing I see tons of people partying in the streets below. I hear the glass door slide open. Cato comes and sits next to me.

"Couldn't sleep?" I ask.

"No, I could if I wanted to, but I'm feeling restless." He replies.

"Same." I say.

We sit there for a few minutes.

"Tonights our last night we can talk freely." I note.

"Yeah." He says.

"If there's anything you need to tell me it has to be now." I sound urgent.

I held his gaze, "You're right Clove. There is something I need to tell you before we enter the Games."

"Me too." I say.

"Clover, I- I love you. Can I love you?" He looks at the ground.

I stare at him, dumbfounded. Realizing he is serious, I find myself putting my hand on his cheek and kissing him. "Yes." I reply.

He starts kissing me back. For the first time no one was drunk, half aware what was happening, we both acknowledged eachother. He put his hands around my waist and put mine around his neck.

I pull away for a moment, "I love you too, Cato." And then he kisses me again.

A give him another one and then look into his blue eyes, "How long have you liked me?" I half whisper.

"Lets see, maybe when you had just turned thirteen, when I was still fourteen. I heard you and Everest talking about Linco Dawyer, I felt a little jealous because I thought you liked him." He says.

"A little?" I tease.

"Okay a lot. What about you?"

I laugh. "When you were twelve I just randomly started liking you. I honestly thought you'd end up with someone else." I say. Then I remembered Cato's bitchy girlfriend. "Wait what about Villia?!" I cry.

"Oh, her." His face twists into a disgusted expression. "I broke up with her before I left." He smirks.

"Why?" I ask. Which was stupid because I do know.

"You know why." He kisses me again. He looks at me and notices the sad expression I hold on my face. "What's wrong?" He asks.

"You and me. We can't be like this forever.. and the Games.." I trail off. But he understands. We can never be "a thing." Careers can't show love for one another, or anyone. Not that Glimmer understands that. Ugh why am I thinking of her right now?

"I just wish we could live in this moment forever." Cato says.

"Me too." I sigh. I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.

Slowly I felt myself drift off into a deep sleep. The last thing I remembered was Cato lifting me up in his strong arms and tucking me into bed.

The next morning I wake up not understanding what's going on. I turn over and see Cato next to me, fast asleep.

I run my fingers through his golden hair, I snuggle up against him and try to fall asleep again. But then Maia knocks on the door saying its going to be an exciting day. Cato yawns.

"Good morning." He says.

"Morning." I reply.

I sit up and gave him a long kiss. "One last time." I say when I pull back.

He strokes my hair and kisses me back.

Maia knocks on the door again. "Coming!" I yell. I exit the room and followed the sound of her voice into the dining hall.

"You guys have to hurry. We have two hours until the Games start." Enobaria says.

Cato walks out of my room. Enobaria seems to notice.

"What was Cato doing in your room?" She asks suspiciously.

"Nothing, we were just talking." I respond quickly.

"I see."

The elevator makes that bell sound again and all the stylists and prep teams come rushing in.

"Oh Clove! I'm going to miss you so much! Please try to win!" Rina exlaims.

"Of course I'll try, Rina" I reassure her.

My prep team is drowing themselves in their own tears, it seems that they have become very attached to me in one short week.

They lead me to my room and lock the door. They brush my hair and make sure I'm nice and clean. Then it's time to enter the hovercraft. Rina takes me to the elevator and we go to the main floor. It's a short drive to the hovercraft.

We make it to the building and take a silent elevator ride. We get to the roof and Rina tells me to go ahead and she'll meet me at the launch room. A lady approaches me with a needle. I get frozen in place by electricity and she inserts my tracker in me. The Capitol doesn't want to lose a tribute. I unfreeze and walk into the room with all the other Tributes. I take a seat next to Katniss. We got strapped in and the hovercraft started taking off. Cato looked at me from across the room reassuringly.

Half an hour later we arrived at the arena. I start getting anxiety. Four Peacekeepers escort me to the launch room. Rina its waiting for me there.

I give her a hug. "Listen Rina, I know I didn't really show it much, but I really do appreciate you making me look my best." I say.

She tears up. "Oh Clove! You're so welcome!"

She goes over to the rack and brings me a thin sweater.

"It doesn't look like much but it is designed to keep your body heat in. Expect some cool nights." She explains.

"Thanks." I put it on. It fits me perfectly.

"Now all that's left to do it wait." She says.

We sit down in the two chairs. I drink a lot of water and eat a lot of food. Using the washroom with the whole nation watching doesn't concern me right now. Staying alive does.

The anxiety starts to knot in my stomach. My palms start sweating. I shake my leg up and down. I am breathing really fast. Too fast. I take deep breaths in and out. In and out. In and out. Finally a pleasnt female voice commands us to step on our platform.

I go on and look at Rina. She nods.

Deep breaths, Clove. You can do this. Make your parents proud.

The platform slowly rises up. I look around and see lots of trees, a lake, and weapons.

Lots of weapons.

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