Chapter Three

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Cato makes his way up to the stage.

"What's your name, dear?" Maia asks him.

"Cato Hadley." He replies.

"Well everyone, this years tributes! Clove Kentwell and Cato Hadley! Shake hands you two."

I feel sick to my stomach. The boy I once considered my closest friend is now my rival in a killing game.

Maia leads us into a hallway inside the Justice Building. There are two doors. I'm taken to the one on the right. Inside the room there is a fancy couch that I'm guessing I sit on. To my left is a bookshelf with old worn out books. The carpet at my feet is a deep shade of red that reminds me of Villia's blood.

A Peacekeeper opens the door and Everest walks in.

"You have three minutes." He says gruffly. He slams the door behind her.

"Everest what am I going to do?" I ask desperately.

"I don't know, Clove. You can't kill him."

"I know that Ev. Why? Why did he volunteer?" I say.

"He probably wants to protect you.." She trails off.

"I can care for myself." I protest.

"Listen, my times almost up. But good luck and I love you and I hope I see you again in a few weeks." She gives me a big hug.

The Peacekeeper comes back in.

"Your times up." He says.

"Wait! I want more time please!" She begs.

"I'm sorry, rules are rules." He starts pushing her out.

"Bye Clove! See you soo-" The door slams shut.

That soon will never happen.

Of course, I don't expect my mom to come, so I wait it silence.

Finally, Maia comes to fetch me.

"Lets go!" She says cheerfully.

She grabs Cato and leads us outside to the train. More cameras swarm us as we get on. I stepped up into it and gasp. It is so pretty! Brass doorknobs, mahogany furniture, and china sets. We wave to the people outside as the train starts moving.

"Alright, sit and wait here for your mentors, I'll be right back with them." Maia leaves the room. I sit down at the table in silence. Cato looks at me, as if he's trying to read my expression.

"What?" I sound annoyed.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"You're sorry." I echo.

"Clove," he grabs my hands, "I'm truly sorry, I want to protect you!"

"But you're gonna kill yourself! You think I want that?" I cry. I dropped his hands."I volunteered because I wanted to go into the Games! I don't need a babysitter." The words come out harsher than I meant.

He looks slightly hurt. "Clove it's because I-"

He gets interrupted, because Maia and our mentors, Brutus and Enobaria, former Tributes of the Hunger Games, come in. We both straighten up in our seats.

"Hello, I'm Enobaria." I stand up and shake her hand.

"Clove Kentwell." I reply.

"And you're?" Enobaria asks Cato.

"Cato Hadley." He replies. We both shake Brutus's hand.

"So, we're here to help you both stay alive in arena." Enobaria says. "You both are going to team up with District One and Four. You probably already know that." We both nod. "That's pretty much it for now. We will be arriving in the Capitol in a few hours."

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