Cuddles save lives? - Magna swing

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Word count: 861

Paring: Magna swing x Reader

Summary: Cold weather and a disheveled base don't mix, but the Hot headed fire mage may be able to help out with some cuddles.

Warnings: None really, Magna and Luck being themselves, and one slightly suggestive comment form Magna

A/n: WELCOME TO MY WINTER FIC EVENT. Anyway this is the first installment of my first fic event. I decided to go with some Magna Swing fluff for two reasons, 1) I love him and he needs more attention, 2) I want to show my other fandoms my writing and thought Black clover would be a great place to start. Without further ado enjoy the event and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.

It was an extremely cold day for the start of winter, and the disheveled walls of the Black Bulls hideout weren't really helping. Cold air still managed to slip through the cracks no matter what I did. And the pile of blankets I was hiding under weren't helping. My only hope was for the cold weather to pass quickly and bring back the relaxing temperatures of spring.

My day of being bundled in blankets ignoring the ruckus of my squad members was interrupted by a giggling lightning mage bursting through the door. I was about to yell at the blonde when he beat me to it jumping over me and hiding behind the pile of blankets.

"Quick Y/n you gotta cover for me." He said, trying to keep his voice down. I was confused until I heard another voice getting closer to my room yelling about Luck being a thieving brat. "Magna thinks I stole his food again, which I did, but this time I think he might actually kill me."

I rolled my eyes. These two were always either fighting over food or being terrors together, but judging by the sound of a pissed Magna getting closer and realizing Luck's fate will be sealed if Magna sees where he is I sighed before speaking. "Fine, I'll come up with a lie for you but first you need to get out of my room before my already pissed boyfriend does kill you." A look of fear flashed through Luck's eyes for what was probably the first time in his life before he swung open my window jumping out.

Right as he fell from view Magna peaked inside the room seeing me glaring at the open window curled up in a mountain of blankets. "If it's so cold you need all those blankets, why the hell do you have the window open?" He asked me, moving to close the window. "Also have you seen Luck? That bastard stole my food again and ran off." Magna said moving towards my cocoon of blankets.

Looking up at the fire mage, I failed to come up with a lie he would believe, and so decided I'd save Luck without taking the blame for his thievery. "Truth is he ran through just before you came in and jumped out the window." Watching Magna try to decide whether to follow him or not, I put the rest of my plan to action. "But instead of spending your day chasing someone you're never going to catch, you could maybe lie down with your partner who is freezing to death and use that flame magic of yours to keep me warm." I said through exaggerated shivers, making sure to look as pitiful as possible to convince the stubborn mage.

I watched as his anger about Luck and his food melted away, fading into an expression of care and comfort as he sighed. "You're right, I'll get back at Luck later but for now my love is freezing, and we can't have that can we." He said taking off his sunglasses, setting them on my nightstand, and hanging up his robe and jacket on the chair by my desk. "Now before I lay down, we gotta get rid of some of these blankets or we're going to get way to fucking hot." He started to pull at the layers wrapped around me.

I struggled against him. "You can take the blankets off once you warm me up. I can't handle a second in the cold Magna, I'll die." I complained as he rolled his eyes in response.

"Well if you didn't have every blanket in the hideout on you would have already noticed I've been trying to make it warmer in here since I came in. Now If you want cuddles get rid of some of these blankets." He said seriously.

Looking at him skeptically I inched a hand out from under the blanket mountain, feeling that the room was in fact quite a bit warmer than when I woke up. With that realization I quickly helped him remove all but one of the probably fifteen blankets I managed to cover myself with. Once that was done I pulled him onto the bed and snuggled into his side. We both began to relax, thankful that it was one of the few days off we get so the chance of being pulled away to a mission was slim.

"Thanks for this Magna, I love cuddling with you." I said moving closer with a quiet yawn.

I felt him place gentle to the top of my head before he yawned as well. "No problem next time you get cold, just come ask and I'm positive I can find a way to keep you warm." Hearing the slight smirk in his voice, I playfully smacked his chest mumbling a quiet 'I hate you, receiving a chuckle in response. "I love you too, y/n. Now get some rest, who knows what crazy shit Asta will pull us into next." WIth that we both fell asleep in each other's arms, somehow sleeping through the chaos that is constant in the Black Bulls hideout.

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