Grade 1 Curse? - Choso Kamo p2

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Word count: 1983

Summary: After finding out about your friendship with the special grade Cursed womb, the higher ups send you alone on a mission claiming that it is only a first grade curse. And of course those old bats can't tell the truth ever and you end up facing a special grade. Choso comes to the rescue but was he quick enough.

Warnings: Spoilers for Choso's techniques, mentions of blood, canon typical violence, mentions of the higher ups being dicks, Gojo is kind of a dick, all i can think of let me know if i missed any.

A/n: Part 2 to this request, I will likely do a part 3 at some point. Anyway, enjoy and requests are still open. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT 

A/np2: I just noticed I never put this part up here I am so sorry anyway i hope you enjoy

Over the past month or so I've grown rather close with Choso. He may not fully understand normal life, having been a cursed object for the last century and a half, but he's really sweet and easy to talk to. It's gotten to the point where if we are both off missions you won't see one without the other, and if one of us is away we are texting each other almost constantly. We just work so well together, and it seems the higher ups have noticed as they keep sending us on separate missions, so I can't protect him and he can't protect me.

We all know how they reacted to Yuji being Sukana's vessel, so you can imagine how unhappy they are about having a special grade cursed womb working with us sorcerers. They also don't like that I've formed a bond with said curse. Any chance they get they send us on separate missions they think will be too risky for us to take alone, hoping one of us will die in the process.

Though on this last mission they sent me on, they messed up big time. It was supposed to be an upper first grade curse spirit, because I'm a first grade sorcerer. They sent me to exercise the curse because I mostly use long range attacks with a bow and arrow and prefer to provide support for close range fighters. This curse is far too quick and agile for me to land a killing blow from a distance, not to mention the attacks it's delivering are far stronger than normal first grade.

I know it's going to be a difficult fight but I should be able to lure it into a small space and get a hit in to finish it off. Unfortunately I mis-calculated the power of the spirit, and when I rounded the corner into a smaller section of the abandoned warehouse it smashed into one of the beams holding the roof up. As I realized the roof was collapsing I tried to get around the curse grabbed the back of my shirt holding me in place as the building fell on top of us.

My head was slammed into the ground as the curse collapsed on top of me. I could tell I was bleeding from the back of my head but that was the least of my worries.This curse was still alive and I was pinned. I couldn't reach my bow and even if I could there is no way for me to position it for an attack. As I layed under this beast, trying to come up with a plan on how to beat it before it got back up, I felt it shift above me.

Letting out a grown it moved its claw-like hand from my shirt to my neck. The curse pressed down, cutting off air flow as it moved to be crouching over me. Fear overtook my face as I realized I was trapped under rubble with no way of killing this curse that at this point I would guess is closer to a special grade than first.

Not wanting to give up I fumbled around trying to find anything in reach to help me escape with one hand while the other worked on prying the curses claw off my neck. The only thing I could feel was my phone, I thought for a second before finally pulling the curse off me and scrambling as far away as I could in the tight space. I opened my phone and called the first person I could think of.

It didn't take long for a voice to come through on the other line. "Y/n why are you calling? Did you finish the mission early?" I sighed in relief as I heard Choso speak through the phone.

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