Bodyguard - Mike Schmidt(fnaf movie)

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Word count: 2040

Paring: Mike Schmidt x Gn! Reader

Summary: After Freddy Fazbear's, Mike takes a job as a local singer's bodyguard.

A/n: Thank you for requesting, I enjoyed writing this for you. I hope this is what you were hoping for,but it's the idea I got from seeing Bodyguard. Anyway keep requesting and have a good day. Just remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.

Shortly after the events that happened at Freddy Fazbear's, Mike desperately needed a new job. Sure he could still keep an eye on the place but after all that happened to him and the fact that he almost lost Abby, he decided finding a different job was for the best. Luckily while looking for work he saw a job posting for a bodyguard position. It wasn't the best job but the details were simple in it was keeping any eye on a local singer who had a somewhat of a large fan base, and had recently started receiving some unsettling messages and just wanted some extra protection. Upon considering it he figured why not as the chance of animatronics being the culprit was pretty slim, so he applied and waited for a response.

About a week later he received a call offering him the position and requesting he meet with his new boss at Sparky's dinner. After taking Abby to school he went back home dressed in his best outfit and headed out to meet with the person he would now be protecting. When he entered the dinner and moved to the booth he was directed to by the nerd waiter, he was shocked to see a person wearing a beanie and sunglasses paired with a large coat covering their figure.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Y/n." he said to the figure as they turned to him quickly and looked back at the table. They gave a small nod, motioning him to sit down with them. "So are you Y/n?" Mike received a nod in response. It didn't take long to figure out that this person was extremely shy and it probably took a lot for them to have even agreed to hire a bodyguard, let alone become popular enough to need one. "Can I ask what it is you would like me to do as your bodyguard?"

Y/n nodded their head before seemingly realizing they would need to speak to this new person. "I just need you to come with me to my shows on the weekends and keep the creeps away. Nothing has happened yet, but I'd rather be safe. Plus some guy has been sending me mail that says some messed up shit, and I think that if I have someone with me when I go to shows he might stop." They explained quietly. If Mike hadn't spent so long with Abby who spoke rather quietly for a while he probably wouldn't have been able to understand what was said, but he understood.

"Not to sound ungrateful for the job, but why get a bodyguard instead of going to the police?" He asked genuinely confused, if some guy was making threats shouldn't the police do something.

Y/n turned away and mumbled a response before looking at the confused man in front of them. "They won't do anything. I've tried but because there is no proof they are real threats they say there's nothing they can do." They spoke a little louder this time.

Mike continued to ask questions about the job, and about Y/n. He learned quickly that they were the lead singer of a local cover band who played at clubs and stuff around. It seemed many people truly enjoyed their music and they apparently had a larger following on the internet as well. Mike also learned that Y/n was always pretty shy and it was their bandmates who pushed them to get a bodyguard. With some sound knowledge of his new job he bid his boss farewell, agreeing to meet them two hours before their next show that friday.

Friday came quicker than he thought it would. But as the time to meet with his boss came closer he realized he had no one to watch Abby while he was working. Everyone he tried was busy and he cursed himself for waiting until the last minute to find a babysitter for his sister. Running out of time he decided she would have to go with him and hopefully beagle to wait backstage during the show. "Abby come on grab your bag and a blanket, you're coming to work with me tonight." Mike shouted as he scrambled to find his keys.

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