The Begining

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Engineer POV

As I turn them on for their first test nothing seems to happen then suddenly one of the robots -the one with a sun for a head- started to rapidly shake. It then stopped shaking and looked me right in the eyes 'Hellooo new friend!' The robot announced. Its voice sounded very scratchy as it wasn't finished getting built but it would have to do, we only had a few hours till they were sent off to the pizzaplex. 'Hi Sun', Sun was what they had decided to call the robot. Such a creative name but who could judge them they did used to have a fox called Foxy after all. The other robot jolted awake and stared at Sun. I called to the other robot 'Moon?' The robots head then quickly turned to me, it looked slightly red as if it was blushing but a lump of metal can't blush, can it?

'Right, you two, see that arts and crafts suplies?' The robots nodded 'Go make something with it' the two robots obeyed and went over to the table. Sun drew something on some paper and from what I could see Moon was sticking something together. Then Moon spoke, his voice was smooth as we had finished him before Sun 'Excuse me Ma'am?' He asked 'Yes moon?' I replied quickly before seeing what Moon was gesturing at. 'STOP EATING THE FUCKING GLITTER GLUE SUN!' I say before hitting the emergency power off button before it clogged up his internal fans. 'Hey! Dan come here' Dan was higher up than me and also alot more formal, he would always be in a gray suit with a blue tie and waistcoat while I was in baggy joggers and an oil stained t-shirt, he could help with this 'What do you need Kayla?' He asked sounding rushed 'I have to get to a meeting soon I'm half an hour late!' I wasn't realy shocked by that, Dan does sleep alot more than a normal person. 'One of the robots was eating glitter glue is that ok for its systems?' Dan just stared at me then started laughing 'They didnt tell you did they?' I stared at him not getting why he was laughing when this could destroy the robot that took months to make, and cost us millions. Dan started speaking again 'He's been given something that will let him eat he'll be fine, now stop worrying and get the tests finished they have to be on the truck before 10!' And he sped away adjusting his tie as he did so.

This is my first attempt at writing an actual story so it's probably bad but please enjoy. Thank you for reading the first chapter :)

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