Christmas 1/2

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It's Christmas Eve tomorrow and I don't know what I'm going to get Moon. I think of everything I can as I walk to Chica's and knock on her door,

'Shut up!'

'No you shut up'

'You were being louder!'

'Just answer the bloody door Chica!'

'Ok ok!'

Is what I hear along with shuffling when Chica suddenly opens the door and smiles pulling me into a hug, 'Hi Sun! How are you?' She asks me, the reason I came was to see if she knew (as she was my best friend) what I could get Moon, all of the us were doing a secret santa with each other and I got Moon, I was going to buy everyone a gift anyway but this is just an extra one for fun. Now that I'd heard all that in her room I had another question but I'd leave that for now, 'I was just wondering if you had any ideas of what I could get Moon for christmas?' I said as she took me inside and sat me across from Roxy who she sat next to, it looked like couples therapy but I was the therapist. 'Well you could get him....' she rhymed off a few things and after a while she got what she thought was a brilliant idea, 'I HAVE THE BEST IDEA!' She announced then whispered it to Roxy and Roxy stared at her like -what the fuck girl- and then nodded to Chica to tell me 'TAKE HIM TO A STRI-' 'WOAH CHICA NOT THAT!' I cut her off her before she could continue 'Well that was my only idea, unless you know what type of food he likes?' I think for a moment and say 'He likes Ital- THANK YOU SO MUCH CHICA I COULDNT HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT YOU!' I say as I run to her, hug her then leave.

I sprint to the daycare and get on one of the computers, I search up Moon's favourite restaurant, (restaurant name), and book a reservation for it on Moon's birthday, 28 July. I print off the tickets then hide them so he wont find out before Christmas day then decide on other things I should buy him and the Glamrocks, I decide to get Chica lipstick as shes always taking Roxy's, (please say you know that meme) I get Monty some new golf clubs as he always breaks them, Freddy a hammock as he's always saying he wants one when hes at me and Moon's, Roxy an eye shadow palette (help wanted 2) and Gregory some lego and monopoly along with some other things for Moon. I then go up to me and Moon's room after ordering it all and lie on my bed falling asleep.

Moon POV
I could hear Sun sounding happy with himself and walking to his room so I predicted he was buying Christmas presents, I walked to the computers and started looking at what I could buy everyone. I got Sun a nice sun shaped mirror along with other things and everyone something small. I cleaned up the daycare for Sun as he was probably already in a deep slumber then went to bed myself.

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